Relationship for Products/Line_Item

Ok my end goal here is basically when an admin creates a product they can choose which sizes are only available for selection by the end user when adding to cart, sometimes multiple choice sometimes only one choice. for example, one size only, small, medium etc…

heres my product schema

schema "products" do
  field :category, :string
  field :description, :string
  field :image, Qcrafts.Images.Type
  field :name, :string
  field :price, :decimal
  field :slug, ProductSlug.Type


And my line_item

embedded_schema do
  field :product_id, :integer
  field :image, Qcrafts.Images.Type
  field :product_name, :string
  field :quantity, :integer
  field :unit_price, :decimal
  field :total, :decimal
  field :delete, :boolean, virtual: true

Which relationships do I need and whats the best way to handle it on the template?

I have a vague idea but would just like expert opinion.

Thanks in advance.