Remote Observer is crashing on Memory Allocators tab

I have connected observer to remote node through ssh tunneling and everything is working fine except the memory allocator tab.
Observer crashes as soon as I switch to that tab.
Can anyone please tell why it is happening?

Observer: Child (allc_panel) crashed exiting:  <0.127.0> {badarith,

I just had a good 15 minutes of head-scratching due to this same error!

Fellow time-traveller, if you land here like me, make sure that your local and remote Erlang and Elixir versions are the same. That’s what caused this error for me: local was on OTP 22+Elixir 11.3, while remote is on OTP 23+Elixir 11.3. Upgrading the local to OTP 23 made all issues disappear! :raised_hands:

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