Renaming a struct (or how to achieve "strong aliasing"?)

Hi all,

Let’s suppose I have the following struct:

defmodule DataType do
  defstruct ~w(a b c d e f)a

This struct is parsed from a byte stream and represents a generic data type. However, different messages can be of this data type.

Now, I would like to achieve some kind of “strong aliasing” by having multiple structs representing these messages to share the same underlying structure. For instance:

defmodule Message1 do
  defstruct ~w(a b c d e f)a

defmodule Message2 do
  defstruct ~w(a b c d e f)a

Then, I want to “change” the type of DataType into Message1, Message2, etc., depending on the context in which they’ve been parsed.

I know I could use encapsulation, but it would add an indirection layer.

So far, I’ve tried this to copy the layout from DataType:

defmodule Message1 do
  defstruct Map.keys(%DataType{})

defmodule Message2 do
  defstruct Map.keys(%DataType{})

Then, once a DataType has been parsed, I juste rename the structure like this:

data = DataType.parse_bytes(bytes)
Map.put(data, :__struct__, Message1)

It works, but it seems a little awkward!

Can I expect some shortcomings? Is there better way to achieve this “strong” typing?