Rendering a slot but adding `assigns` previously, possible?

Hi people, I was playing a bit with Phoenix components and I just realised that the way I wanted to use the components is a bit tricky, I mean, I was reading the autogenerated code for the core_components.ex module, and I found that it’s using the internals of Phoenix.HTML but not the public functions, so I was trying:

  def simple_form(assigns) do
    <.form :let={f} for={@for} class="form" {@rest}>
      <% assigns = assign(assigns, form: f) %>
      <%= render_slot(@inner_block) %>
        <p class="help">(*) <%= gettext("required") %></p>
      <div class="field is-grouped">
        <p class="control">
          <%= Phoenix.HTML.Form.submit @submit, class: "button is-primary" %>
        <p class="control">
          <%= @cancel, to: @return_to, class: "button" %>

The main idea of the code is to provide for the elements inside of the render_slot the @form variable, but it’s not available and of course, the system is complaining because if I write:

<.simple_form for={@changeset} action={@action} return_to={@return_to}>
  <.checkbox name={:enabled} label={gettext("Enabled?")} help={gettext("If enabled, it will appear in the public listing of books.")}/>

The implementation is:

  def checkbox(assigns) do
    <div class="field">
      <label class="label"><%= @label %></label>
      <div class="control">
        <label class={"switch is-rounded#{if(@form.errors[@name], do: " is-danger")}"}>
          <%= Phoenix.HTML.Form.checkbox @form, @name %>
          <span class="check"></span>
          <span class="control-label"></span>

so, well, the @form isn’t available, is there a way to plug that from the simple_form render function or should I change my approach?