Repeated connections to Phoenix.Liveview.Socket

Eventually managed to deploy a mix release built Phx application in a docker container (wasn’t my plan to use docker but I thought I’d have fewer moving parts at least in the beginning if I go docker route). Starts, connects to database and generally seem to work when looked at from the browser. But when looking at the logs I see a stream of

20:53:56.156 [info] CONNECTED TO Phoenix.LiveView.Socket in 40µs
  Transport: :websocket
  Serializer: Phoenix.Socket.V2.JSONSerializer
  Parameters: %{"_csrf_token" => "[...]", "_live_referer" => "undefined", "_mounts" => "0", "_track_static" => %{"0" => "https://<>/assets/default-8e785bcdd3de7c28e9cee4a2ae6ac6a2.css?vsn=d", "1" => "https://<>/assets/app-49579f0ef540eab1a38ba9a9e42f7a9e.js?vsn=d"}, "vsn" => "2.0.0"}

Obviously never noticed anything like that in dev environment. Whenever I entered a page with LiveView stuff on it, it rendered, connected and that was it. Now the question what am I doing wrong here?

Can you check the console in the browser to see if there’s any errors?

Repeated connections in prod usually means that the check_origin setting in the Endpoint isn’t set correctly, in dev mode the server accept connections from any origin.

Yes, there they are. I mean errors in the console. Now, the default for check_origin is true for :prod, and that means:

" If true , the header is checked against :host in YourAppWeb.Endpoint.config(:url)[:host]"

Now what do I configure for a setup like:

Internet => Rev-Proxy => container => phx_app

phx_app runs on port 4000, rev-proxy proxies between SSL/443 and internal 4000 exposed by the container

How is the host configured?
Are you using as the host? Because this create problems when the websocket connects to wss://, so if the host has the https:// you should remove it and use only

Sorry for the low hanging fruit suggestions, but since they are so common let’s take them out of the way first :slight_smile:

No problem but no. At least I think “no” as I explicitly supply the PHX_HOST environment variable with only FQDN, no schema etc.

Although I found something suspiciously looking:

20:30:16.711 [info] Running PhxAppWeb.Endpoint with cowboy 2.9.0 at :::4000 (http)
20:30:16.712 [info] Access PhxAppWeb.Endpoint at

This is logged upon startup. And the errors are (all the same):

WebSocket connection to 'wss://[...]&' failed: 
connect @ app-49579f0ef540eab1a38ba9a9e42f7a9e.js?vsn=d:1
(anonymous) @ app-49579f0ef540eab1a38ba9a9e42f7a9e.js?vsn=d:1
(anonymous) @ app-49579f0ef540eab1a38ba9a9e42f7a9e.js?vsn=d:1
waitForSocketClosed @ app-49579f0ef540eab1a38ba9a9e42f7a9e.js?vsn=d:1
(anonymous) @ app-49579f0ef540eab1a38ba9a9e42f7a9e.js?vsn=d:1
waitForBufferDone @ app-49579f0ef540eab1a38ba9a9e42f7a9e.js?vsn=d:1
teardown @ app-49579f0ef540eab1a38ba9a9e42f7a9e.js?vsn=d:1
(anonymous) @ app-49579f0ef540eab1a38ba9a9e42f7a9e.js?vsn=d:1
(anonymous) @ app-49579f0ef540eab1a38ba9a9e42f7a9e.js?vsn=d:1

Of course reflects the proper host name

For posterity - the rev-proxy - was configured according to these two fine articles. After configuring it according to “more sophisticated example” here:

the problem seems to be eventually gone.

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