Req plugin to instrument requests using Telemetry - request for feedback!

Hey gang,

I’ve been using Req as my primary client for a project I’ve been working on that interacts with a number of APIs, and I quickly found myself wanting some kind of sane, default request logging. At first, I defaulted to a handful of custom steps and a :log option, but recently found myself wanting a bit more granularity.

So, this morning, I banged out a quick plugin to instrument Req requests using Telemetry: ReqTelemetry

As with other Req plugins, it is implemented using request/response/error steps and is set up with an attach function: |> ReqTelemetry.attach() |> Req.get(url: "")

I am very much not an expert Telemetry user, so this was developed using a handful of existing Telemetry integrations for reference.

For posterity, at the time of writing this post, the plugin emits the following events:

  • [:req, :request, :pipeline, :start]
  • [:req, :request, :adapter, :start]
  • [:req, :request, :adapter, :stop]
  • [:req, :request, :adapter, :error]
  • [:req, :request, :pipeline, :stop]
  • [:req, :request, :pipeline, :error]

and ships with a default logger that can be installed in your application’s start/2 callback:

@impl true
def start(_type, _args) do
  :ok = ReqTelemetry.attach_default_logger()

  children = [...]
  Supervisor.start_link(children, ...)

and logs messages that look like:

15:52:01.462 [info] Req:479128347 - GET (pipeline)
15:52:01.466 [info] Req:479128347 - GET (adapter)
15:52:01.869 [info] Req:479128347 - 200 in 403ms (adapter)
15:52:01.875 [info] Req:479128347 - 200 in 413ms (pipeline)

Additional examples and information can be found in the docs. I’d very much appreciate any feedback on any aspect of the library.



v0.1 has been released

This package has been quietly useful for a number of people over the last couple of years! I was somewhat surprised to see that it gets about 1,000 downloads as week.

It’s been on v0.0.x since its inception, but this latest release brings support for Req 0.5.x and, given its use, it seemed reasonable to bump it up to v0.1.

This does mean that you may need to update your dependency if you were using it prevously:

{:req_telemetry, "~> 0.1.0"}
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