Request for code review - Weather Data kata

I’m relatively new to Elixir and have been tackling small programming challenges to become better acquainted with the language as I read books about it. Today during lunch I decided to try out the Weather Data “kata” exercise from

I got it working, though I don’t know if there is a better way. Here’s my code:

If someone with a lot of Elixir experience would please review my code and provide tips and/or suggestions, I’d appreciate it!



First and foremost: I find this a very nice and readable solution. Good job! :thumbsup:

All right, here are my two cents:

  • There does not seem to be a reason for using and Enum.filter on lines 7 and 8 respectively. I think it is nicer to keep your Stream a Stream for as long as possible.
  • Maybe your function Weather.print might rather be named Weather.print_day_with_lowest_temperature_spread, although that would again be a very long name… In any case, print is a name that is not self-documenting.
  • Although documentation is not necessarily part of the Kata, because documentation is a first-class citizen in Elixir, I think it is a good practice to simply always document your public functions in one or two sentences.
  • There exists the function Enum.min_by/2, which you could use to clean up line 9 (Enum.reduce( &row_with_smaller_temperature_spread/2 )). That could become something like Enum.min_by(&temperature_spread_of_row/1) defp temperature_spread_of_row([_, max, min), do: max - min
  • Nice job on outlining the functions in the pipeline. That is very readable :slight_smile: .
  • There is no check on columns that have the wrong data format. That is to say, you check if the first column in the row is a non-number (and thus treated as a non-day), but if one of the other columns cannot be parsed as an integer, the program will fail with a not very readable stack trace. (As it will fail when attempting to calculate the average temperature) You might want to add a check for this that raises a nicer exception.
  • The pipeline on line 22 does not make the function more readable. Simply doing, fn x -> ... end) is probably better.

So, those were my nitpickings ^^’. In my opinion, you’ve done great on this exercise.


Thank you for taking the time to give me an in-depth review and such detailed feedback!

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