Requiring "native click listener" within LiveView for webauthn

Hi all! I am working on an implementing webauthn and passkeys for a little side project of mine. The issue I am seeing is Safari specifically has two requirements for authn calls:

  1. Webauthn must be called in a native click listener (user gesture detection)
  2. Safari only supports the use of XHR and fetch within native click handlers for requesting WebAuthn registration and authentication options.

Right now I have a phx-click handler on a button that a push_event to a javascript hook I have registered on the socket. I don’t know javascript well but know what I have currently doesn’t satisfy the two requirements above but unsure how to proceed. I’m curious if anyone has any insight into what a “native click listener” is and if we can meet that requirement in LV? And for #2 it sounds like the pushEventTo javascript function won’t work. I am starting to think I will need to do much of the auth flow over http. Would love any thought, thanks!

:wave:t3: Hey there, this piqued my curiosity…

So after a bit of research, I came across this pretty helpful section on “Propagating User Gestures” in a post from WebKit themselves. It covers why they require user gesture detection and then a few different approaches to handling it:

  • Calling the API Directly from User Activated Events
    (note: no propagation necessary when buffering the challenge before the onclick event)
  • Propagating User Gestures Through XHR Events
  • Propagating User Gestures Through Fetch API
  • Easter Egg: Propagating User Gestures Through setTimeout

source: Meet Face ID and Touch ID for the Web | WebKit

A simple path forward could be writing a client side hook with a mounted callback that “optimistically” fetches the challenge (via websockets) to buffer it on the client as well as manually add a click event listener to call the WebAuthn API (via http).

# here's some pseudocode

<button id="webauthn" phx-hook="WebAuthn">

def handle_event("fetch-challenge", _params, socket) do
  # optimistically generate challenge
  {:reply, %{challenge: "bufferedChallenge"}, socket}

Hooks.WebAuthn = {
    this.pushEvent('fetch-challenge', {}, (reply) => {
      if (reply.challenge) {
        console.log("here's the challenge to buffer", reply.challenge);
        // buffer challenge on the client

    this.el.addEventListener("click", async (event) => {
      const options = {
        publicKey: {
          challenge: challengeBuffer, // retrieve buffered challenge
      const publicKeyCredential = await navigator.credentials.create(options);