Rocky Mountain Ruby 2016 - Kill "Microservices" before its too late by Chad Fowler

The title is of course tongue-in-cheek though he does elaborate on what he perceives as the primary drivers behind the microservices hype:

  • Embrace change
  • Impermanence is the key to a surviving system
  • The system is an asset
  • Code is a liability

Essentially he is advocating that replace-ability at the “tiny component level” is a key attribute to a successful system (interesting position in an industry that is often obsessed with reuse). This presentation could be seen as an extension of Goto 2014 - Keynote: Legacy - Chad Fowler (Systems Euthanizer). Whatever you may think of the talk as a whole, it is sure to contain some thought provoking tidbits.

Chad Fowler has been the CTO at 6Wunderkinder since 2013 but is also the (co)author of a number of Ruby/Rails books and The Passionate Programmer 2e (was My Job Went to India - 52 Ways to Save Your Job).



Wow, really nice talk. First time I am hearing about impermanence. Thanks for sharing.

Kevlin Henney weighing in on the notion of discard-ability.

Not really sure though that in an OO environment obsessed with reuse people are ready to see:

So small that a single service can be readily discarded (if it can’t, it ain’t micro).

in the “Pro” column for microservices.

PS/Off topic: This is interesting even if you don’t have a C++ background: Kevlin Henney - Functional C++ (Caution: @48:30 possible manifestation of Virding’s First Rule of Programming).

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####Dan North: Software that Fits in Your Head - Goto Amsterdam 2016-June-14

The talk essentially drives to the conclusion that a Replaceable Component Architecture is one of the “Big Ideas” behind Microservices - i.e. it is important to optimize for replaceability.


Chad Fowler’s RubyConf 2017 Keynote is a continuation of the established theme. This time the cell analogy threads throughout to highlight the idea of components for replaceability rather than reusability.

Various highlights:


This really resonates with me - and I think when more people cotton on to PragDave’s radical approach to development with Elixir, it’s going to be a h u g e selling point :slight_smile:

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Haven’t read this yet but it may be of interest to readers of this thread…