So I have a Phoenix web application in progress. I am able to generate documentation for my codebase using the ex_doc tool – when I run mix docs
I get the documentation output into the doc/ folder.
I can then open this doc/ folder, double click on index.html, and view these docs in my browser at file:///Users/jon/myapp/doc/api-reference.html (because index.html just redirects to api_reference.html).
However, I would like these docs to be part of my Phoenix web application – in other words, I would like them available in production at the domain where my app is running. So if my app is running at, then I would like to be able to see the docs at a URL like
Also, the documentation for ex_doc (ExDoc — ex_doc v0.25.2) instructs me to include the following in my mix.exs file:
def deps do
{:ex_doc, “~> 0.24”, only: :dev, runtime: false},
I’m curious what the runtime: false option does.