January 8, 2021, 7:29pm
Hello everyone,
I’m trying to run ExUnit tests from the shell, and I almost got it working:
iex(2)> ExUnit.start(autorun: false)
iex(3)> test_file = "test/sample_test.exs"
iex(4)> Mix.Compilers.Test.require_and_run([test_file], ["test"], formatters: [ExUnit.CLIFormatter])
Finished in 3.6 seconds
8 tests, 0 failures
{:ok, %{excluded: 0, failures: 0, skipped: 0, total: 8}}
So far so good, but the second run of Mix.Compilers.Test.require_and_run/3 doesn’t seem to do anything:
iex(5)> Mix.Compilers.Test.require_and_run([test_file], ["test"], formatters: [ExUnit.CLIFormatter])
Finished in 0.00 seconds
0 failures
{:ok, %{excluded: 0, failures: 0, skipped: 0, total: 0}}
It looks like the test compiler caches the test results. If that’s the case, can it be forced to invalidate it and run the tests from scratch again?
January 8, 2021, 7:59pm
Wild guess here, but I think require_and_run
might check if all the files are required, and then chain it with a literal &&
- so if the files are already required, it might return false
and the second part would not be executed.
Like I said, idk, but it makes sense to me.
EDIT: Maybe the second time just run .run
? Another wild guess.
EDIT2: and just because I am curious, why do you need this?
January 8, 2021, 8:33pm
Did you mean ? Unfortunately, it didn’t help.
There are currently 2 reasons as to why I want to do this:
to be able to pass the results of the tests, for instance, show the tests running on a web page;
to be able to debug the unit tests with tracing tools, like Rexbug/redbug etc.
January 8, 2021, 9:29pm
Unfortunately I don’ t really know what you are talking about - but it sounds like a CI Server.
I like to actually be in charge of when to deploy updates or upgrades (which is something a UI server should consider.)
Kind of weird that nobody has implemented anything yet, but I guess you are on your own for now.
Interesting idea! Mix tasks don’t re-execute by default. Try running Mix.Task.clear/0
before require_and_run (docs: )
January 9, 2021, 12:10am
Unfortunately, no luck with Mix.Task.clear/0
I wanted to do this because of the apps I’m working in at the moment has a long startup time, making TDD painful. Someone pointed me to a solution based on TestIex — Easier Test Driven Development in Elixir | by Daniel Olshansky | Medium and it works like treat.
December 28, 2022, 4:11pm
basically you have to load it again to rerun the test
or even better compile_file, since load_file is depricated
then you can rerun
Mix.Compilers.Test.require_and_run([test_file], ["test"], formatters: [ExUnit.CLIFormatter])
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