Runtime configuration for a dependent library

We are in the process of moving some shared functionality (mail sending) into a separate application that’s a dependency of our main app. That is, a shared library.

The problem we’re running into is that the mail configuration currently lives inside config/runtime.exs in our main application. If we move it to config/runtime.exs inside the dependent library, then Application.get_env(:mailer, …) doesn’t find it anymore. It would seem that only the “main” runtime.exs file is being loaded by mix run.

I see some libraries use files like config/prod.exs, but I want the shared configuration to read environment variables at startup. Is there a pattern that will let me do this?

Not just runtime.exs. All config can only come from the top level mix project you’re on. Config of dependencies is ignored.


The simplest solution to your problem is to define a wrapper module that would explicitly pass runtime configuration to your library:

defmodule MyLibrary.Mailer do
  def send(from, to, subject, body, options) do
    api_key = Access.fetch!(options, :api_key)
    # send email
defmodule MyApp.Mailer do
  def send(from, to, subject, body, options \\ []) do
    options = Keyword.merge([api_key: Application.fetch_env!(:my_app, :mailer_api_key)], options)

    MyLibrary.Mailer.send(from, to, subject, body, options)

If you don’t mind using a little metaprogramming magic you can reduce your app’s wrapper module down to a single line at the cost of increased complexity in the library. Something like this:

defmodule MyApp.Mailer do
  use MyLibrary.Mailer, mailer_config: {:my_app, :mailer}
defmodule MyLibrary.Mailer do
  @callback send(from :: String.t(), to :: String.t(), subject :: String.t(), body :: String.t()) ::
              :ok | {:error, reason :: term()}

  defmacro __using__(opts) do
    quote bind_quoted: [behaviour_module: __MODULE__, opts: opts] do
      @behaviour_module behaviour_module
      @behaviour @behaviour_module

      @mailer_config Keyword.fetch!(opts, :mailer_config)

      def send(from, to, subject, body) do
        @behaviour_module.send(from, to, subject, body, @mailer_config)

  def send(from, to, subject, body, {app, key}) do
    config = Application.fetch_env!(app, key)
    # send email

Not only that, but it is generally discouraged to use the config for libraries (see the infobox at Config — Elixir v1.16.2).

I personally consider one’s “internal” dependencies to be an exception, and so this is my approach to runtime config for such libraries:

in the main app’s runtime.exs:

|> Enum.each(&apply(&1, :config))

in the dependency (at lib/runtime_config.exs):

defmodule SubApp1.RuntimeConfig do
  def config do
    import Config
    config :sub_app1,
    	key: System.get_env("SUB_APP1_key", "default_val")
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This approach is in no way better than manually providing config for the dependency. The info box wants people to not use the application enc at all: Design-related anti-patterns — Elixir v1.16.2

Yeah that’s why I only suggested it for “internal” libraries, with the advantage of keeping the config in the same repo as the code rather than copy/pasting it all in runtime.exs but YYMV…