Sample project need to study Elixir development with Vim

I have installed the basic plugins which I believe are necessary to get going with Elixir development.

Are there some small projects I can use to see how well it all works in Elixir?

Are there some useful plugins I may be missing?

  • papercolor-theme: OK
  • vim-wintabs: OK
  • lightline.vim: OK
  • alchemist.vim: OK
  • vim-nerdtree-tabs: OK
  • vim-elixir: OK
  • nerdtree: OK
  • ScrollColors: OK
  • vim-endwise: OK
  • vim-fugitive: OK
  • vim-airline-themes: OK
  • syntastic: OK
  • vim-colorschemes: OK
  • vim-sensible: OK
  • gruvbox: OK
  • YouCompleteMe: OK
  • nerdcommenter: OK
  • vim-airline: OK
  • ctrlp.vim: OK

I know that Spacemacs is the recommended tool for Elixir, with IntelliJ, VSCode etc, but I have to get some core Linux skills under my belt. I am worried that if I get to comfortable with Spacemacs I may never learn Vim:grinning:

I’d honestly say try SpaceMacs. I’ve been a heavy vi(m) user for near 30 years now, but it finally converted me. :slight_smile:


See updated question. :grinning:

So I see. ^.^

Well SpaceMacs is just emacs (the vim rival, just as console-oriented and runs in a terminal or a GUI or etc like vi does), but with vi controls (except the trigger key is spacebar, which honestly is a lot better, and hence where it gets its name from), so learning spacemacs will teach vim you as well, except spacemacs is a lot more powerful (due to emacs being far more easily scriptable than vim without needing a hoard of outside processes). I always though vim keybindings were superior to emacs, hence why I used vim, but emacs can do anything. Spacemacs really is the best combination. :slight_smile:

Are there some small projects I can use to see how well it all works in Elixir? and GitHub - aviacommerce/avia: open source e-commerce framework

I think you’re missing these plugins: vimux-elixir-test, vimux, ultisnips, vim-snippets and vim-mix-format

I know that Spacemacs is the recommended tool for Elixir, with IntelliJ, VSCode etc, but I have to get some core Linux skills under my belt. I am worried that if I get to comfortable with Spacemacs I may never learn Vim:grinning:

If you learn Spacemacs you also learn things of vim.

My .vimrc: