Save my from myself: Code coverage misses lines that return a literal

It’s been discussed a few times that code coverage tools do not see lines where a literal value are not flagged as executable lines. To wit:

I’m frustrated by this problem and I’m attempting to fix it in a library I’m building. (See

I’ll start by saying I don’t like my fix, but I like even less the notion that I have to sacrifice insight into how well my library is covered.

I work that I’m doing in my day job, I have actually seen bugs get masked because we didn’t know the code was poorly covered.

I’m hoping that somebody can point me to a “better” solution that is less hacky, but doesn’t involve compromising on meaningful code coverage.


Haven’t looked at your code yet. What is it that you don’t like about it currently?

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What I don’t like is that I use a macro to translate a literal response into something more complicated in the test environment. For example, what was:

def valid?(0o040000), do: true


def valid?(0o040000), do: cover(true)

In the test environment, this evaluates to:

defmacro cover(false = x) do
  quote do

(There are other variations depending on the value passed to cover, but you get the point.)

Not ideal, but it was the result of a lot of trial-and-error to make the compiler, Credo, and dialyzer all happy and still make the original valid?/1 function (and dozens more like it) show up as executable.

Ultimately, I’d like to see the compiler change so that it is inherently marked as covered. But until / unless that happens, I’m looking for a less messy way to accomplish the goal of more accurate code coverage.

Seems you got quite far though. I didn’t even know defmacro cover(false = x) do is valid Elixir!

Recommendation: first try and achieve the goals you want. Then you should probably make an announcement to the community and ask for code reviews.

Why not?

What does make you think it were different from def foo(%Foo{} = foo) do … end?

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I would assume that defmacro cover(false) do is the way to go, same as when pattern-matching function heads assert on specific values.

But they use the bound x in the body.

This is some heavy lifting to avoid problems in the coverage tools. So if they were just leaving off the binding of x and would use false literally, they might finaly have the same result of literals not beeing visible to the coverage tool or might cause warnings of unused variables.

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I see. That’s why I said he actually got quite ahead. I would not have figured this out immediately. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the props. So, in the process, I learned that pattern matching works with macros. (I hadn’t expected that, either.)

Basically, the cover macro is an elaborate trick to prevent the compiler from inlining the literal value, which I think is the root cause for the lack of coverage.

So, to @dimitarvp’s comment, when I first posted this a couple of weeks ago, it was initially this was a call for suggestions. I’ve since merged the PR in question, so we could now consider it a call for reviews.

To @NobbZ’s comment:

This is some heavy lifting to avoid problems in the coverage tools.

Thanks. As I said before, I wish there were a cleaner solution. If there is, I’d love to hear about it. If not, consider this a plea for help from the tool providers. I suspect this is an issue in the compiler itself, but it might be something in excoveralls.