Saving incoming data from Stripe

Hello everyone,
I am trying to create a payment gateway using Stripe. My solution is based on this tutorial.

I think I have everything set up well, but I’m not sure if Stripe is returning the required data that I would like to store in a database and work with afterwards.

In the tutorial, after a successful payment is made in the terminal after the stripe listen command, the following is the output:

However, my output looks like this:

If the return values from webhook are correct anyway, which I’m not sure. How should I continue to work with them within the handle event to save them?

Thanks to IO.inspect I was expecting some data in the terminal, where for example %Stripe.Event{type: "invoice.paid"}

defmodule MyAppWeb.StripeHandler do
  import MyAppWeb.Gettext

  @behaviour Stripe.WebhookHandler

  @impl true
  def handle_event(%Stripe.Event{type: "invoice.paid"} = event) do
    IO.inspect(gettext("Payment Success"))

I have added the handler in the endpoint

  plug Stripe.WebhookPlug,
    at: "/webhook/stripe",
    handler: MyAppWeb.StripeHandler,
    secret: {Application, :get_env, [:stripity_stripe, :stripe_webhook_secret]}

It’s about storing data like customer_id, emai, etc that I can see in the payment in my Stripe account.

I am still a newbie and this is my first attempt at a payment gateway. Thanks a lot for any advice.

Have a nice day. :slight_smile:

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The answer is that the data are sent back to the application.

Alternatively, ngrok can also be used.

Fot test you will need 3 terminals open:

  1. In the first terminal, ensure the Stripe CLI listener is running (stripe listen --forward-to localhost:4000/webhook/stripe)
  2. In the second terminal, ensure your app is running (mix phx.server). Remember you may need to run source .env in the terminal first
  3. In the third terminal, execute stripe trigger checkout.session.completed.

I am replacing step three by going through and filling in the data directly in the application.

My handle event for saving to the database now looks like this:

  @impl true
  def handle_event(%Stripe.Event{type: "invoice.paid"} = event) do
    IO.inspect(gettext("Payment Success"))

    %{customer: customer_id, customer_email: email, amount_paid: amount} =

      email: email,
      stripe_customer_id: customer_id,
      amount: amount

    {:ok, "success"}

Practically the whole issue with a link to a sample application is available in the tutorial at this link.