I’m trying to debug an intermittent test failure that I’m only getting on CI. I’m fairly new to elixir and might be missing something obvious or not explaining the issue clearly, so would appreciate any advice / tips!
I’m working on a phoenix app and occasionally get this error when running tests on CI:
%ArgumentError{message: ":utc_datetime_usec expects microsecond precision, got: ~U[2018-03-01 18:26:08.003Z]"}
It seems to happen when the app tries to save a timestamp in the DB in various places. In this particular case it happens when it tries to do:
|> put_change(:date_changed_at, Timex.now()) # :date_changed_at is a :utc_datetime_usec and is the only field of that type updated in this query
|> Repo.insert!()
The error itself is actually clear: the timestamp field is a utc_datetime_usec
but the app is trying to save a timestamp with a microsecond precision. What’s extra odd though is that the timestamp seems to be in the past (2018). So I guess there are two questions which might be symptoms of the same problem.
- Why is the timestamp seemingly in the past?
- Why is it sometimes microsecond precision?
I guess it looks like either Timex.now()
returns that weird timestamp for some reason or it gets corrupted somewhere in ecto before it’s stored.
I’ve added a step on the CI that outputs OS time in shell and it’s correct. I can also see a correct timestamp in the phoenix/ecto logs just before the failure:
18:52:21.588 request_id=FdZ-_DE7pwDhErkAAAwS [debug] QUERY OK db=0.3ms queue=0.2ms
UPDATE "orders" SET "updated_at" = $1 WHERE "id" = $2 [~N[2019-11-12 18:52:21.588200], 5]
18:52:21.589 request_id=FdZ-_DE7pwDhErkAAAwS [warn] Checkout failed for order 6NQDDP7B: %ArgumentError{message: ":utc_datetime_usec expects microsecond precision, got: ~U[2018-03-01 18:26:08.003Z]"}
Ecto’s usec timestamps are generated using DateTime.utc_now()
and that seems to return a correct value according to the logs above. However Timex.now()
effectively does the same things:
@spec utc_now(Calendar.calendar()) :: t
def utc_now(calendar \\ Calendar.ISO) do
System.os_time() |> from_unix!(:native, calendar)
def now(), do: from_unix(:os.system_time(), :native)
and Timex.from_unix/2
delegates to DateTime.from_unix!/2
def from_unix(secs, unit) do
DateTime.from_unix!(secs, unit)
So I’m at a loss and not sure what else to do to debug this. Does anyone have any thoughts / suggestions?