Senior Backend Elixir Engineer - Haven Headache, San Francisco, USA

Introductory paragraph

Haven is a tech-enabled virtual telehealth solution for the millions of people who suffer from migraine. We offer the latest clinically proven care pathways to help patients get their condition under control in less time.

Our backend patient management stack is built with Elixir, Phoenix and LiveView.

About us

My name: Matt Nunogawa
My position: CTO & Co-founder
Company name: Haven Headache & Migraine Center
Company website:
Company headquarters (country): USA
Company info and history (how you’re using Elixir etc):

I personally think Elixir is a competitive advantage.

About the job

Job title: Senior Backend Engineer
Job description: Full-time backend SW engineering
Salary range: variable based on experience
Qualifications or experience required:
What the successful job applicant will be working on:

We’ve built our platform using Elixir, Phoenix and LiveView on AWS, with infrastructure as code managed through Terraform and CI/CD via Github Actions. We leverage Postgres for a variety of purposes. Our philosophy emphasizes simplicity and pragmatism.

We are an early stage startup and communication, collaboration, product sense and comfort with ambiguity are signs you might be a good fit.

Position on remote work

Remote job: no
Remote restrictions: n/a
Remote leeway: SF Bay Area

This job is for an role in SF, average two days a week in office, WFH the rest.
For candidates that have a long commute to SF (roughly greater than 1 hour) and are based in the SF Bay Area, average one day a week in the office.

About the interview process

  • Intro zoom call
  • Tech/coding zoom call
  • Onsite or zoom calls with extended team (tech and non-tech)
  • Offer

Further info

If you are interested, please apply at this link: HAVEN | Careers


It is a shame you are not open to full remote candidates. I’ve successfully worked with USA companies, several times.

Good luck on the search!


Thank you! we’re early stage now, and being in the bay area is important to us. I’m hoping we can expand to fully remote workers as we grow over the next few years.