Senior Elixir Engineer - Luna Care, Bay Area, Remote USA

Luna Care - Bringing back the days of the house call

Launched in 2018, Luna Care has made significant strides in positioning itself as a leader in the health-tech space. Currently helping thousands around the country receive physical care in the comfort of their homes or workplace. Up to 79% of physical therapy patients miss or cancel their appointments due to the requirement of being on-site. With this first-to-market concept, we bring Physical Therapists to you.**

About us

My name: Nicholas Flood
My position: Technical Talent Acquisition
Company name: Luna Care
Company website:
Company headquarters (country): U.S.
Company info and history (how you’re using Elixir etc):

About the job

Job title: Sr. Software Engineer
Job description: [](
Salary range: $150k - $180 (plus equity)
Position on remote work: Fully remote
Qualifications or experience required: 4+ years
What the successful job applicant will be working on:
You will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the next generation APIs and products for our mobile and internal customers. Some examples include predictive scheduling, automations, payment flow, gamification, and 3rd party integrations.

About the interview process

Recruiter Screen > Hiring Manger screen > Technical screen > CEO call > Offer

Further info

A zero bureaucracy culture allows Engineers to ideate new products and features that can be put into production right away. Our streamlined recruitment process does not string candidates along and make them jump through hoops to get on the team. When we find talented people, we hire them. We have a flat organization structure where all engineers work together building fast, clean, and elegant products. Joining Luna care will give you the ability and autonomy to have end to end product ownership using some of the most advanced tools and technologies available.


If the option becomes remote worldwide I’m definitely interested!