Serve images from Elixir api

Hello Team,

Can someone assist me, please?

I have images stored in /usr/local/uploads/

How do I server these images through a route?

I want to serve the image, jerry.jpg, which is located under /user/local/uploads/

Thanks in advance.



Try using Plug.Static.

If you are using a phoenix project, you can add or modify the plug Plug.Static ... block in your endpoint.ex.


I am not using Phoenix.
I am using Elixir with Plugs.

Do you have a sample script to guide me, please?

Thanks in advance.

I am not using Phoenix.
I am using Elixir with Plugs.

Then it’s even easier. Just add a plug somewhere in your plug pipeline.

Do you have a sample script to guide me, please?

defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use Plug.Router # or Plug.Builder

  # ...
  plug(Plug.Static, at: "/images", from: "/usr/local/uploads")
  # ...

There’s more information on hexdocs.

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Thanks so much.

I will feedback on the outcome.



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