Server Sent Events - https does not work: net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR


I am trying to get server sent events to work with Phoenix. And I can get it to work successfully over http.
Following are the steps i followed -
Add mime type to config.exs

config :mime, :types, %{
  "text/event-stream" => ["sse"]

In my controller I have

defmodule MyAppWeb.NotificationController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller
  # alias Phoenix.PubSub

  def index(conn, _params) do
    conn =
      |> put_resp_header("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
      |> put_resp_header("connection", "keep-alive")
      |> put_resp_header("Content-Type", "text/event-stream; charset=utf-8")
      |> put_resp_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
      |> send_chunked(200)


    |> IO.inspect()


    sse_loop(conn, self())

  defp sse_loop(conn, pid) do
    # receive is what stops the router from processing
    # and waits for an event to come in
    receive do
      # Send updates when :cagg is finished.
      {:notification, :done} ->
        # Fetch notification
        # Send update.
        chunk(conn, "data: message\n\n")
        # Wait for next publish.
        sse_loop(conn, pid)

      # Stop SSE if this conn is actually down.
      # Ignore other processes finishing.
      # Notice the "^" in front of pid.
      {:DOWN, _reference, :process, ^pid, _type} ->

      # Don't stop SSE because of unrelated events.
      other -> 
        sse_loop(conn, pid)

In the router I have

get "/notification", NotificationController, :index

Also need to set idle_timeout for cowboy to infinity otherwise it times out after 60secs
So in the dev.exs file I have

http: [port: 8066, compress: true, protocol_options: [idle_timeout: :infinity]],
  https: [
    port: 8077,
    compress: true,
    cipher_suite: :strong,
    keyfile: "priv/keys/localhost.key",
    certfile: "priv/keys/localhost.cert",
    protocol_options: [idle_timeout: :infinity]

In the template I have simple javascript for SSE

    let eventSource = new EventSource("/notification");

    eventSource.onmessage = function(event) {
      console.log("New message",;

I got great help from this blog - Server Sent Events with Elixir

Everything works over http. However for https it doesn’t work.
I get this error
GET https://localhost:8077/notification net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR

Request your kind help.

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Whole thing works well over https when I use a real domain and a valid certificate. The issue seems to be there only with localhost.

I am still trying to figure out how to make it work over localhost using https.

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For local certificates, I use makecert to generate valid certificates for local domains. I am on Linux, but this or similar tools should be available for other OSes.

I then add my local domains to /etc/hosts and I also have a local Nginx configured to serve my local projects using their respective local domains.

Should be easy to set up. If you’re having a problem, reply here.


Thanks. I will try it out.

If you are using systemd-resolved then you can use *.localhost without editing /etc/hosts (whole domain should resolve to loopback address).

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Nice to know. I am indeed using it.

But I’m not using *.localhost.

Phoenix has a built-in tool for this:

mix phx.gen.cert

Check instructions at config/dev.exs:

# ## SSL Support
# In order to use HTTPS in development, a self-signed
# certificate can be generated by running the following
# Mix task:
#     mix phx.gen.cert
# Note that this task requires Erlang/OTP 20 or later.
# Run `mix help phx.gen.cert` for more information.
# The `http:` config above can be replaced with:
#     https: [
#       port: 4001,
#       cipher_suite: :strong,
#       keyfile: "priv/cert/selfsigned_key.pem",
#       certfile: "priv/cert/selfsigned.pem"
#     ],
# If desired, both `http:` and `https:` keys can be
# configured to run both http and https servers on
# different ports.


Is is locally trusted? I can’t find it if docs mention this anywhere.

No, you need to allow the certificate when the browser prompts you.

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mkcerts makes them trusted locally, which is a nice thing.

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But also creates certificates for and I don’t like it overriding a website that exists:

I usually prefer Bash for this type of tasks, and I have wrote a script to do it. I use it in my docker builds or from my localhost host when needed.

You’re free to not use I don’t use it. I use a TLD of my own, and I don’t have any problems since that TLD will never exist in the outer world.


Unless it is .example, .invalid or .localhost and has more than 2 characters, then I need to disappoint you - it may exist (at some point in future) in the outer world.

At some point in future, yes :smiley: