Serving only specific static assets

I’m wading through my app’s endpoint.ex – I want to only expose several hand-selected static assets in my Phoenix app, but I can’t seem to find the magic way to do it.

This doesn’t seem to work:

plug Plug.Static,
    at: "/",
    from: {:myapp, "priv/static"},
    only: ["xyz/some_file.json"]

http://localhost:4000/xyz/some_file.json - 404

Nor does this:

plug Plug.Static,
    at: "/",
    from: {:myapp, "priv/static/xyz"},
    only: ["some_file.json"]

http://localhost:4000/xyz/some_file.json - 404

If I open up the restrictions a bit, it does, e.g.

plug Plug.Static,
    at: "/",
    from: {:myapp, "priv/static"},
    only: ~w(xyz)

http://localhost:4000/xyz/some_file.json - OK!

Thats not xyz/some_file.json, as far as I understand, :only matches from the beginning of the string.

http://localhost:4000/some_file.json would probably work (after moving the file there).

My understanding is that there are 2 options:

:only, it will match exact file and folder names at the :at location ("/" in your case)

:only_matching, which works similarly, but allows for random filename ‘tails’ (this is useful when serving digested files)

With reference to your 3 examples, the first :only specifies a path rather than a name, the second a name that is not at the :at location, the third one works because xyz is right at the :at location (and the filename does not matter after that).

Assuming that my understanding is correct, you have two possibilities. Either you place your hand-selected assets in specific folders, whose names you specify, together with any files located at the root, in a single :only or :only_matching word list. Or, if you want to hand-select from various folders, you will need multiple plugs and multiple :at locations, each with its very own word list.

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That sounds correct. I think my struggle stems from my attempts to include different files in different directories… the examples don’t have that… and I’m not even sure how to include static assets from 2 different directories…