Set active Bootstrap navbar item with Phoenix

Hi all, I’m using Phoenix with Bootstrap and I’m having some trouble figuring out the best way to set the active navbar item.

In Bootstrap, adding the "active" class to a nav item sets it as the current nav item. My goal is to do something like this in my Phoenix templates:

<li class="nav-item <%= nav_item_state(:foos) %>">
  <%= link "Foos", to: Routes.foo_path(@conn, :index), class: "nav-link" %>

<li class="nav-item <%= nav_item_state(:bars) %>">
  <%= link "Bars", to: Routes.bar_path(@conn, :index), class: "nav-link" %>

and something like this in my controllers:

# I want to avoid having to pass `:foos`/`:bars` as an assign every time I call `render`
defmodule MyAppWeb.FooController do
  def active_nav_item, do: :foos

defmodule MyAppWeb.BarController do
  def active_nav_item, do: :bars

I want nav_item_state(:foos) to return "active" when the current controller is FooController, and to return "" otherwise.

I think nav_item_state should be defined in my LayoutView module, but not really sure how to piece things together. Appreciate any suggestions!

Hi @zizheng!

A very simplistic version of what I’m using in my applications is something like this:

def nav_link(conn, text, opts) do
    to = opts[:to]

    case Map.fetch(conn, :request_path) do
        {:ok, ^to} -> 
            link(text, class: "#{opts[:class]} active")
        _ ->  
            link(text, opts)

And then, you can use it like this:

<li class="nav-item">
    <%= nav_link(@conn, "My Navlink", 
        to: Routes.resource_path(@conn, :edit, @resource), 
        class: "nav-link" %>

I also have other options that allows me to selectively enable/ disable the nav link based on the current path, which is very useful for layouts. I usually pass a regex like this: ~r(/resource/new$) or ~r(/resource/\d+$); which tells the logic behind to enable the nav link for nested resources, etc.

Hope that helps, cheers!

Thanks for the reply @thiagomajesk! I wonder how this part works:

case Map.fetch(conn, :request_path) do
  {:ok, ^to} -> 

Doesn’t this mean the current request path needs to match the nav link target path for the item to be active…?

Also, I kinda want to avoid having to pass @resource as an assign each time I call render. I’m trying to figure out how to have each controller only declare once (for example by using the active_nav_item function in my example code) what nav item it activates.

Have you tried using nav-pills? I use them and ccs customize it. Bootstrap handles the active class.

Also see th “Using Data Attributes” section at the bottom which might also help.

Best regards.

You can create a function in your view file like this

def active_menu(conn, item) do
    if conn.request_path =~ Atom.to_string(item), do: "active", else: ""

and in your html.eex file do like this

<li class=" <%= active_menu(@conn, :foo) %>"> <a href="/foo">foo</a></li>
<li class=" <%= active_menu(@conn, :bar) %>"> <a href="/bar">bar</a></li>
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Yes, like I said this is roughly what I’m using in my application. You certainly will have to tweak for your own needs. Perhaps matching only parts of the path, using a contains expression or a regex pattern, etc.

Unfortunately, this is how functional programming works, you explicitly pass the values around.
Also, IMHO I don’t think you should rely on your controller’s for that, this is exactly what views are for.

Is there a specific reason you are trying to do that?

Another solution could be creating a plug in your controllers that puts an assign with the desired path that should be activated in the template:

plug :put_active_path when action in [:index, :new, :edit]

# [...]

def put_active_path(conn, _opts) do
    assign(conn, :active_path, Routes.resource(conn, :index))

I don’t see a lot of ways around explicitly passing the values you need to the helper function though.


Thanks, I ended up creating a custom plug that puts the current active nav item in the conn:

defmodule MyAppWeb.FooController do
  plug MyAppWeb.Plugs.ActiveNavItem, :foos

and added a function in my LayoutView that queries the conn for this information.

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this doesn’t cover situations where there isnt a request path.