Set type of column for csv file

How to specify data type for csv file columns? I want all columns to be atoms.

%% @doc
%% @end
-type fassoc_ret() :: {'ok', mapped_row()} | {'error', kz_term:ne_binary()}.
-type fassoc() :: fun((row()) -> fassoc_ret()).
-type verifier() :: fun((atom(), cell()) -> boolean()).
-spec associator(row(), row(), verifier()) -> fassoc().
associator(CSVHeader, TaskFields, Verifier) ->
    Header = complete_header(TaskFields, CSVHeader),
    Max = length(Header),
    Map = map_io_indices(Header, CSVHeader),
    fun (Row0) ->
            Row = pad_row_to(Max, Row0),
            F = fun (_, ?NE_BINARY=Field) -> Field;
                    (I, MappedRow) when is_map(MappedRow) ->
                        case verify(Verifier, Header, Row, I, Map) of
                            {Key, Cell} -> MappedRow#{Key => Cell};
                            Field -> Field
            case lists:foldl(F, #{}, lists:seq(1, Max)) of
                MappedRow when is_map(MappedRow) -> {ok, MappedRow};
                Field -> {error, Field}

verify(Verifier, Header, Row, I, Map) ->
    Cell = case maps:get(I, Map, undefined) of
               undefined -> ?ZILCH;
               J -> lists:nth(J, Row)
    Field = lists:nth(I, Header),
    case Verifier(Field, Cell) of
        false -> Field;
        true -> {Field, Cell}

%% @doc Returns an unordered list of the name of columns that did not pass validation.
%% @end
-type mapped_row_verifier() :: fun((kz_term:ne_binary(), cell()) -> boolean()).
-spec verify_mapped_row(mapped_row_verifier(), mapped_row()) -> [] | header().
verify_mapped_row(Pred, MappedRow) when is_function(Pred, 2),
                                        is_map(MappedRow) ->
    F = fun (K, V, Acc) ->
                case Pred(K, V) of
                    true -> Acc;
                    false -> [K|Acc]
    maps:fold(F, [], MappedRow).

%% @doc
%% @end
-spec row_to_iolist(row()) -> iodata().
row_to_iolist([Cell]) -> cell_to_binary(Cell);
row_to_iolist(Row=[_|_]) ->
    kz_util:iolist_join($,, [cell_to_binary(Cell) || Cell <- Row]).

%% @doc
%% @end
-spec mapped_row_to_iolist(row(), mapped_row()) -> iodata().
mapped_row_to_iolist(HeaderRow, Map) ->
    row_to_iolist([maps:get(Header, Map, ?ZILCH) || Header <- HeaderRow]).

%% @doc Converts JSON-represented CSV data to binary.
%% We assume fields for first record are defined in all other records.
%% @end
-spec json_to_iolist(nonempty_list(kz_json:object())) -> iodata().
json_to_iolist(Records) ->
    json_to_iolist(Records, kz_json:get_keys(hd(Records))).

-spec json_to_iolist(nonempty_list(kz_json:object()), header()) -> iodata().
json_to_iolist(Records, Fields)
  when is_list(Records),
       is_list(Fields) ->
    Tmp = <<"/tmp/json_", (kz_binary:rand_hex(11))/binary, ".csv">>,
    'ok' = file:write_file(Tmp, [kz_util:iolist_join($,, Fields), $\n]),
    lists:foreach(fun (Record) ->
                          Row = [kz_json:get_ne_binary_value(Field, Record, ?ZILCH) || Field <- Fields],
                          _ = file:write_file(Tmp, [row_to_iolist(Row),$\n], ['append'])
    {'ok', IOData} = file:read_file(Tmp),

-spec write_header_to_file(file_return()) -> file_return().
write_header_to_file({File, CellOrdering}) ->
    write_header_to_file({File, CellOrdering}, []).

-spec write_header_to_file(file_return(), kz_term:proplist()) -> file_return().
write_header_to_file({File, CellOrdering}, HeaderMap) ->
    HeaderFile = <<File/binary, ".header">>,

    Headings = [begin
                    Heading = kz_binary:join(Cells, <<"_">>),
                    props:get_value(Heading, HeaderMap, Heading)
                || Cells <- CellOrdering

    Header = [csv_ize(Headings)],
    _ = file:write_file(HeaderFile, unicode:encoding_to_bom(utf8), ['binary']),
    'ok' = file:write_file(HeaderFile, Header, ['append']),

    {'ok', _} = kz_os:cmd(<<"cat ", File/binary, " >> ", HeaderFile/binary>>),
    {'ok', _} = file:copy(HeaderFile, File),


    {File, CellOrdering}.

-type file_return() :: {file:filename_all(), kz_json:paths()}.
-spec jobjs_to_file(kz_json:objects()) -> file_return().
jobjs_to_file([JObj | _]=JObjs) ->
    CellOrdering = maybe_update_ordering([], kz_json:flatten(JObj)),
    jobjs_to_file(JObjs, CellOrdering).

-spec jobjs_to_file(kz_json:objects(), file_return() | kz_json:paths()) -> file_return().
jobjs_to_file(JObjs, {File, CellOrdering}) ->
    lists:foldl(fun jobj_to_file/2
               ,{File, CellOrdering}
jobjs_to_file(JObjs, CellOrdering) ->
    File = <<"/tmp/csv_", (kz_binary:rand_hex(16))/binary, ".csv">>,
    jobjs_to_file(JObjs, {File, CellOrdering}).

-spec jobj_to_file(kz_json:object(), file_return()) -> file_return().
jobj_to_file(JObj, {File, CellOrdering}) ->
    FlatJObj = kz_json:flatten(JObj),
    FlatJObjItem = element(1, FlatJObj),
    RedundantFields = [

    CustomFlatObj = {lists:filter(fun ({Elem,_}) -> not lists:member(Elem, RedundantFields) end, FlatJObjItem)},
    CustomCellOrdering=lists:filter(fun(Elem) ->
        not lists:member(Elem, RedundantFields) end, CellOrdering),
    NewOrdering = maybe_update_ordering(CustomCellOrdering, CustomFlatObj),
    Row = [cell_to_binary(kz_json:get_ne_binary_value(Path, JObj, ?ZILCH)) || Path <- NewOrdering],
    _ = file:write_file(File, [csv_ize(Row)], ['append']),
    {File, NewOrdering}.

maybe_update_ordering(CellOrdering, FlatJObj) ->
    kz_json:foldl(fun maybe_add_field/3, CellOrdering, FlatJObj).

maybe_add_field(Field, Value, CellOrdering) ->
    IsJsonObject = kz_json:is_json_object(Value),
    case lists:member(Field, CellOrdering) of
        'false' when not IsJsonObject ->
            lager:debug("adding field ~s", [Field]),
            CellOrdering ++ [Field];
        'false' ->
            lager:debug("skipping JSON field ~p", [Field]),
        'true' -> CellOrdering

%% @doc
%% @end
-spec from_jobjs(kz_json:objects()) -> iolist().
from_jobjs(JObjs) ->
    from_jobjs(JObjs, []).

-spec from_jobjs(kz_json:objects(), kz_term:proplist()) -> iolist().
from_jobjs(JObjs, Options) ->
    Routines = [fun maybe_transform/2
               ,fun check_integrity/2
               ,fun json_objs_to_csv/2
    lists:foldl(fun(F, J) -> F(J, Options) end, JObjs, Routines).

%%% Internal functions

%% @doc
%% @end
-spec take_line(csv()) -> [csv(),...] | eof.
take_line(CSV) ->
    case binary:split(CSV, [<<"\r\n">>, <<"\n\r">>, <<"\r\r">>, <<$\n>>, <<$\r>>]) of
        [<<>>|_] -> eof;
        Split -> Split

-spec split_row(kz_term:ne_binary()) -> row().
split_row(Line) ->
    Splitted = binary:split(Line, <<$,>>, [global]),
    {Acc,io,<<>>} = lists:foldl(fun consume/2, {[],io,<<>>}, Splitted),

-type acc() :: {row(), io | 34 | 39, binary()}.  %% $" | $'
-spec consume(binary(), acc()) -> acc().
consume(<<>>, {Acc,io,<<>>}) ->
    {[?ZILCH|Acc], io, <<>>};
consume(<<Sep:8,Bin/binary>>, {Acc,io,<<>>}) when Sep =:= $";
                                                  Sep =:= $' ->
    case binary:split(Bin, <<Sep:8>>) of
        [BinRest, <<>>] ->
            {[BinRest|Acc], io, <<>>};
        [LHS, <<Sep:8,RHS0/binary>>] ->  %% For "escaped" quotes
            AllButLast = byte_size(RHS0) - 1,
            <<RHS1:AllButLast/binary, Sep:8>> = RHS0,
            RHS = binary:replace(RHS1, <<Sep:8,Sep:8>>, <<Sep:8>>),
            Cell = <<LHS/binary, Sep:8, RHS/binary>>,
            {[Cell|Acc], io, <<>>};
        _ ->
            {Acc, Sep, Bin}
consume(Bin, {Acc,io,<<>>}) ->
    {[Bin|Acc], io, <<>>};
consume(Bin, {Acc,Sep,AccBin}) ->
    case binary:split(Bin, <<Sep:8>>) of
        [<<>>|_] ->
            {[AccBin|Acc], io, <<>>};
        [LastPart, <<>>] ->
            Cell = <<AccBin/binary, $,, LastPart/binary>>,
            {[Cell|Acc], io, <<>>};
        [Part] ->
            NewAccBin = <<AccBin/binary, $,, Part/binary>>,
            {Acc, Sep, NewAccBin}

-spec find_position(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binaries()) -> pos_integer().
find_position(Item, Items) ->
    find_position(Item, Items, 1).

-spec find_position(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binaries(), pos_integer()) -> pos_integer().
find_position(Item, [Item|_], Pos) -> Pos;
find_position(Item, [_|Items], N) ->
    find_position(Item, Items, N+1).

complete_header(Fields, CSVHeader) ->
    Diff = CSVHeader -- Fields,
    Fields ++ Diff.

map_io_indices(Header, CSVHeader) ->
    MapF = fun ({I, Head}, M) ->
                   M#{find_position(Head, Header) => I}
    IndexToCSVHeader = lists:zip(lists:seq(1, length(CSVHeader)), CSVHeader),
    lists:foldl(MapF, #{}, IndexToCSVHeader).

-spec cell_to_binary(cell()) -> binary().
cell_to_binary(?ZILCH) -> <<>>;
cell_to_binary(<<>>) -> <<>>;
cell_to_binary(Cell=?NE_BINARY) ->
    binary:replace(Cell, <<$,>>, <<$;>>, ['global']);
cell_to_binary(Cell) ->

-spec maybe_transform(kz_json:objects(), kz_term:proplist()) -> kz_json:objects().
maybe_transform(JObjs, Options) ->
    case props:get_value('transform_fun', Options) of
        'undefined' -> JObjs;
        Fun -> [kz_json:map(Fun, JObj) || JObj <- JObjs]

-spec check_integrity(list(), kz_term:proplist()) -> kz_json:objects().
check_integrity(JObjs, _Options) ->
    Headers = get_headers(JObjs),
    check_integrity(JObjs, Headers, []).

-spec check_integrity(kz_json:objects(), kz_term:ne_binaries(), kz_json:objects()) ->
check_integrity([], _, Acc) ->
check_integrity([JObj|JObjs], Headers, Acc) ->
    NJObj = lists:foldl(fun check_integrity_fold/2, JObj, Headers),
    NJObj1 = kz_json:from_list(lists:keysort(1, kz_json:to_proplist(NJObj))),
    check_integrity(JObjs, Headers, [NJObj1|Acc]).

-spec check_integrity_fold(kz_json:path(), kz_json:object()) ->
check_integrity_fold(Header, JObj) ->
    case kz_json:get_value(Header, JObj) of
        'undefined' ->
            kz_json:set_value(Header, <<>>, JObj);
        _ -> JObj

-spec get_headers(kz_json:objects()) -> kz_term:ne_binaries().
get_headers(JObjs) ->
    lists:foldl(fun fold_over_objects/2, [], JObjs).

-spec fold_over_objects(kz_json:object(), kz_term:ne_binaries()) -> kz_term:ne_binaries().
fold_over_objects(JObj, Headers) ->
    lists:foldl(fun fold_over_keys/2, Headers, kz_json:get_keys(JObj)).

-spec fold_over_keys(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binaries()) -> kz_term:ne_binaries().
fold_over_keys(Key, Hs) ->
    case lists:member(Key, Hs) of
        'false' -> [Key|Hs];
        'true' -> Hs

-spec create_csv_header(kz_json:objects(), kz_term:proplist()) -> iolist().
create_csv_header(JObjs, Options) ->
    Headers = case props:get_value('header_map', Options) of
                  'undefined' -> get_headers(JObjs);
                  HeaderMap ->
                      lists:map(fun(JObjHeader) -> header_map(JObjHeader, HeaderMap) end

-spec header_map(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:proplist()) -> kz_term:ne_binary().
header_map(JObjHeader, HeaderMap) ->
    case props:get_value(JObjHeader, HeaderMap) of
        'undefined' -> JObjHeader; % doesn't change Header to HeaderMap's "friendly" version
        FriendlyHeader -> FriendlyHeader

-spec json_objs_to_csv(kz_json:objects(), kz_term:proplist()) -> iolist().
json_objs_to_csv([], _) -> [];
json_objs_to_csv(JObjs, Options) ->
    case props:is_true('build_headers', Options, 'true') of
        'true' -> [create_csv_header(JObjs, Options), [json_to_csv(JObj) || JObj <- JObjs]];
        'false' -> [json_to_csv(JObj) || JObj <- JObjs]

-spec csv_ize(kz_json:path()) -> iolist().
csv_ize([F|Rest]) ->
    [<<"\"">>, kz_term:to_binary(F), <<"\"">>
    ,[[<<",\"">>, try_to_binary(V), <<"\"">>] || V <- Rest]

-spec try_to_binary(any()) -> binary().
try_to_binary(Value) ->
    try kz_term:to_binary(Value)
        _E:_R -> <<>>

-spec json_to_csv(kz_json:object()) -> iolist().
json_to_csv(JObj) ->

Where? You’ve posted a LOT of code; can you be specific about what function you’re expecting to call with what input, to get the output you want?

Unrelated to your question: have you considered using an off-the-shelf CSV library that will correctly handle values with embedded "?


Sorry, I’m new to erlang, No library was used, the file: write _file module was used.
I think the column type should be set where the header is set, but I do not know how?

-spec write_header_to_file(file_return(), kz_term:proplist()) -> file_return().
write_header_to_file({File, CellOrdering}, HeaderMap) ->
    HeaderFile = <<File/binary, ".header">>,

    Headings = [begin
                    Heading = kz_binary:join(Cells, <<"_">>),
                    props:get_value(Heading, HeaderMap, Heading)
                || Cells <- CellOrdering

    Header = [csv_ize(Headings)],
    _ = file:write_file(HeaderFile, unicode:encoding_to_bom(utf8), ['binary']),
    'ok' = file:write_file(HeaderFile, Header, ['append']),

    {'ok', _} = kz_os:cmd(<<"cat ", File/binary, " >> ", HeaderFile/binary>>),
    {'ok', _} = file:copy(HeaderFile, File),


    {File, CellOrdering}.

I’m still not understanding what’s meant by “column type” here. A CSV file is plain text, joined by commas and line-breaks (apart from the details of handling "s) - there aren’t any “column types” in the format.

Sometimes folks who use Excel a lot will refer to an Excel spreadsheet as “a CSV”, but they are very different…