Setting global or local prefixes still gives warnings in LV components

I have the following component in my project:

defmodule UI.Icons do
  use Phoenix.Component

  attr :rest, :global

  def loading(assigns) do
    <svg ... {@rest}>

I want to instantiate it with a custom attribute like this:

<UI.Icons.loading ui-loading />

This will generate the following warning:

    warning: undefined attribute "ui-loading" for component UI.Icons.loading/1
 59 │         ui-loading
    │         ~~~~~~~~~~
    └─ lib/ui_web/ui/button.ex:59: (file)

No problem, based on this documentation I can just add a prefix to the global prefixes or to the global attr option :include for this component like this:

  use Phoenix.Component, global_prefixes: ~w(ui-)


  attr :rest, :global, include: ~w(ui-)

Either way doesn’t work, it still gives me the same warning.

The only way that I found to make the warning go away was to add

  use Phoenix.Component, global_prefixes: ~w(ui-)

To the component that would instantiate the UI.Icons.load component inside its render function.

Is this behavior expected? Seems kinda off to me, I would expect that I would need to see this inside the component module/attr itself and not outside the same way I do with other custom attributes that are not prefixes.