Setting indeterminate in checkbox input with LiveView

How are people setting the indeterminate flag on a checkbox in LiveView?

I looked at adding a Hook with a MutationObserver on a data-attribute I set for it, but that seems like a lot.

Is there an easier way I missed?

The element’s hook can simply be triggered when:

mounted - the element has been added to the DOM and its server LiveView has finished mounting

<input id="foo" type="checkbox" phx-hook="Indeterminate" />
Hooks.Indeterminate = {
  mounted() {
    this.el.indeterminate = true;
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What about when you want to set indeterminate in response to some server side event?

def handle_event("foo", _params, socket) do
  {:noreply, assign(socket, indeterminate: is_indeterminate?()}

I tried doing something like…

<.input id="check-all" name="check-all" type="checkbox" value={false} phx-hook={@indeterminate && "Indeterminate"}  />

But the hook wasn’t triggering at all, despite having mounted and updated keys.

You can use push_event/3.

To trigger the JS hook from server to client, see this link.

For example, we can add this addition to the JS hook:

Hooks.Indeterminate = {
  mounted() {
    this.el.indeterminate = true;
+   this.handleEvent(
+     "set-indeterminate",
+     (data) => (this.el.indeterminate = data.value)
+   );

And then trigger that addition like so:

def handle_event("foo", _, socket) do
  {:noreply, push_event(socket, "set-indeterminate", %{value: true})}

It should also be doable via a window event listener

I hope this helps!

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Awesome, thank you! That’s exactly what I was looking for, but for some reason I overlooked it and only saw the other direction, JS.push to server.

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