It doesn’t look like a RetunToPlug has been added to AshAuthentication.Phoenix. Here’s my version. Thank you @kjwvanijk for your version and pointing me in the right direction.
defmodule YourAppWeb.Plugs.ReturnToPlug do
@moduledoc """
Plug to capture the return_to query parameter and store it in the session.
This allows for proper redirection after successful authentication while
preventing redirect loops to authentication-related pages.
## Options
* `:paths` - A list of paths where the plug should capture the return_to parameter
default: ["/sign-in"]
* `:param_name` - The name of the query parameter to capture
default: "return_to"
* `:session_key` - The session key where the return path will be stored
default: :return_to
* `:blocked_redirect_paths` - A list of paths that should be blocked as return destinations. This is a starts_with? comparison.
default: ["/auth", "/password-reset", "/reset", "/register", "/sign-in", "/sign-out"]
## Examples
Using default options:
# In your router.ex
pipeline :browser do
# ...other plugs
plug YourAppWeb.Plugs.ReturnToPlug
With custom paths:
# Capture return_to on multiple paths
plug YourAppWeb.Plugs.ReturnToPlug, paths: ["/sign-in", "/login", "/register"]
Fully customized configuration:
# Custom parameter name, session key, and blocked paths
plug YourAppWeb.Plugs.ReturnToPlug,
paths: ["/sign-in", "/login"],
param_name: "redirect_to",
session_key: :redirect_after_login,
blocked_redirect_paths: ["/auth", "/password-reset", "/reset", "/register", "/sign-in", "/sign-out"]
import Plug.Conn
@default_options [
paths: ["/sign-in"],
param_name: "return_to",
session_key: :return_to,
blocked_redirect_paths: [
def init(opts) do
Keyword.merge(@default_options, opts)
def call(conn, opts) do
conn = fetch_query_params(conn)
# Check if current path is in the configured paths
if matching_path?(conn, opts[:paths]) && has_return_to_param?(conn, opts[:param_name]) do
# Extract the return_to parameter
return_to = get_return_to_param(conn, opts[:param_name])
# Only store it if it's not pointing to a blocked path
if blocked_return_path?(return_to, opts[:blocked_redirect_paths]) do
# If blocked, we could either keep the conn unchanged or clear any existing return_to
# Here we choose to clear it to be extra safe
delete_session(conn, opts[:session_key])
put_session(conn, opts[:session_key], return_to)
# Checks if the current path matches any of the configured paths
defp matching_path?(conn, paths) do
Enum.member?(paths, conn.request_path)
# Checks if the request has the configured query parameter
defp has_return_to_param?(conn, param_name) do
conn.query_params[param_name] != nil
# Gets the configured parameter value from the query parameters
defp get_return_to_param(conn, param_name) do
# Checks if the return path starts with any of the blocked prefixes
defp blocked_return_path?(return_path, blocked_redirect_paths) do
path_to_check = URI.parse(return_path).path
Enum.any?(blocked_redirect_paths, fn prefix ->
String.starts_with?(path_to_check, prefix)