Should I learn Elixir, Erlang , Golang, Java?

What every Node.js developer needs to know about Elixir - Bryan Hunter
Elixir and OTP for Node.js Developers - Jean-Pierre Bécotte

Ultimately it depends on your target market. If you are dealing with organizations that already have a heavy investment in the Java ecosystem then they typically insist on a Java implementation.

Other organizations like Go because it’s still shiny, has Google backing and ultimately was designed to be easy to learn for developers who are still early in their career (while it’s sometimes viewed as Java without the irritating parts, in some ways it’s a pythonesque C). While Go has got concurrency covered via Go-routines (in Java you still have to wrangle threads) it’s imperative in nature and really doesn’t concern itself with runtime resilience the way the BEAM/OTP does. One of Go’s conveniences is that it produces standalone binary executables.