Slipstream: retrying messages?

The Slipstream docs have a section on retries for establishing a connection.

But I don’t see anything about retries for messages. The docs for push/5 show using handle_reply/3 to handle an ack, but suppose an ack never comes, or takes too long to come. I think that could happen if:

  1. The server had a bug and lost the message
  2. The server channel crashed
  3. The TCP retries timed out and the connection crashed

I think in cases 2 and 3 some kind of error would be raised. But in any case, am I correct in assuming that the answer for message-level retries is “roll your own, according to your needs”?

@the-mikedavis :eyes: :point_up:

Yeah, retries are only built in for reconnecting. I was trying to mirror how Phoenix’s JavaScript client API works with that reconnection functionality. I don’t believe there’s anything built into the Phoenix Channel protocol for retrying messages - that should be built on top of push

That makes sense; each application may have different requirements for retrying messages. Thanks for confirming.