Snytax troubles: Heex string interpolation in html element's attributes

Hi! I’m working in a liveview and want to fill attributes such as id, for label and title with a value from a for-loop.

      <%= for item <- ["apple", "bread", "peanut butter"] do %>
          <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="<%= item %>" />
          <label class="tree_label" for="<%= item %>"> <%= item %>  </label>
      <% end %>

but I get this error:
Make sure the attribute is properly closed. This may also happen if
there is an EEx interpolation inside a tag, which is not supported.
Instead of

<div <%= @some_attributes %>>


<div {@some_attributes}>

but my values are from a loop rather than the socket so the @ doesn’t work nor does adding { } around the item like so:
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="{item}" />
or <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="#{item}" />

The {} and the @ are different parts of the picture.

Element attributes in heex are supplied either as attr="…" for static values or as attr={…} for dynamic values. For the latter can be any elixir code returning a string (or convertable to string data) or a boolean.

There’s also <tag {…}> where can be a keyword list or map of attributes → values.

@var is a macro to access assigns off of the socket. It can be used in either of the places before where elixir code is allowed, but doesn’t need to be used.


This should do the trick

If item is a string (which it is), then the code below is simpler.

<input type=“checkbox” checked=“checked” id={item} />
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