I’m sorting by a join field and it’s throwing an error. Here’s the query being executed:
from(p in Product,
left_join: variants in assoc(p, :variants), as: :variants,
left_join: venue_arrangement in assoc(p, :venue_arrangement)
preload: [
variants: variants
Here are the schemas:
defmodule Amplify.Models.Product do
use Amplify.MedusaSchema
@derive {
filterable: [:showtimes],
sortable: [:showtimes],
adapter_opts: [
join_fields: [
showtimes: [
binding: :variants,
field: :starts_at_utc,
path: [:variants, :utc_datetime]
schema "product" do
field :title, :string
has_many :variants, Amplify.Models.ProductVariant
defmodule Amplify.Models.ProductVariant do
use Amplify.MedusaSchema
schema "product_variant" do
belongs_to :product, Amplify.Models.Product
field :thumbnail, :string
field :starts_at_utc, :utc_datetime
When I pass in ["showtimes"] as order_directions to flop params and call like this:
Flop.validate_and_run(query, flop_params)
I get:
** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 42703 (undefined_column) column p0.showtimes does not exist
Unrelated, the path option is used to find the cursor values from the result set in case you use cursor pagination. This should thus be [:variants, :starts_at_utc].
Hi, somewhat related, but do you know how I can print the underlying query that Flop creates when appending the LIMIT etc clauses? I know how to print a plain old Ecto query but how do I access the one that Flop creates when running validate_and_run? In dev this automatically prints but I’m trying to debug something i production.
Did some digging around and was able to print the query. The query is printed correctly with the right LIMITs applied and everything. When I run the query directly against the DB it works great.
However, Flop doesn’t return all the results from validate_and_run/3. This is only a problem when there’s a query being passed in. It works fine when you’re just querying a model directly (without joins etc.)
So the issue here was that I wasn’t adding distinct: p.id in my query. Once I added that it all behaved properly. I’m not sure why that matters since Flop should just return whatever it finds. As an example, here’s what I was seeing:
{:ok, {results, meta}} = Flop.validate_and_run(query, %{
first: 20,
order_by: ["showtimes"],
order_directions: ["asc"]
}, for: Amplify.Models.Product)
IO.inspect "total length is #{length(results)}". # this prints 1
meta = Map.put(meta, :total_count, Flop.count(query, meta.flop))
IO.inspect "total count is #{meta.total_count}" # this prints 154
%{metadata: meta, data: results}