Sorting by a join field in a query with Flop not working

I’m sorting by a join field and it’s throwing an error. Here’s the query being executed:

    from(p in Product,
      left_join: variants in assoc(p, :variants), as: :variants,
      left_join: venue_arrangement in assoc(p, :venue_arrangement)
      preload: [
        variants: variants

Here are the schemas:

defmodule Amplify.Models.Product do
  use Amplify.MedusaSchema

  @derive {
    filterable: [:showtimes],
    sortable: [:showtimes],
    adapter_opts: [
      join_fields: [
        showtimes: [
          binding: :variants,
          field: :starts_at_utc,
          path: [:variants, :utc_datetime]

  schema "product" do
    field :title, :string
    has_many :variants, Amplify.Models.ProductVariant

defmodule Amplify.Models.ProductVariant do
  use Amplify.MedusaSchema

  schema "product_variant" do
    belongs_to :product, Amplify.Models.Product
    field :thumbnail, :string
    field :starts_at_utc, :utc_datetime

When I pass in ["showtimes"] as order_directions to flop params and call like this:

Flop.validate_and_run(query, flop_params)

I get:

** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 42703 (undefined_column) column p0.showtimes does not exist
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You’ll need to pass the schema module. Flop doesn’t infer the schema automatically.

Flop.validate_and_run(query, flop_params, for: Amplify.Models.Product)
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Unrelated, the path option is used to find the cursor values from the result set in case you use cursor pagination. This should thus be [:variants, :starts_at_utc].

Amazing, thank you. That worked perfectly. This library is eliminating the need to write a ton of code for me. Thank you again!

Hi, somewhat related, but do you know how I can print the underlying query that Flop creates when appending the LIMIT etc clauses? I know how to print a plain old Ecto query but how do I access the one that Flop creates when running validate_and_run? In dev this automatically prints but I’m trying to debug something i production.

I find that the LIMIT is not being appended to the query (the total count still returns the right count though).

    {:ok, {results, meta}} = Flop.validate_and_run(query, %{
      "first" => 20,
      "order_by" => ["showtimes"],
      "order_directions" => ["asc"]
    }, for: Amplify.Models.Product)
    meta = Map.put(meta, :total_count, Flop.count(query, meta.flop))
    %{metadata: meta, data: results}

I have a fairly complex query with about 12 joins, but that should’t matter?

This also appears to work perfectly fine in development, but in production, the limit is not being applied

Did some digging around and was able to print the query. The query is printed correctly with the right LIMITs applied and everything. When I run the query directly against the DB it works great.

However, Flop doesn’t return all the results from validate_and_run/3. This is only a problem when there’s a query being passed in. It works fine when you’re just querying a model directly (without joins etc.)

So the issue here was that I wasn’t adding distinct: in my query. Once I added that it all behaved properly. I’m not sure why that matters since Flop should just return whatever it finds. As an example, here’s what I was seeing:

    {:ok, {results, meta}} = Flop.validate_and_run(query, %{
      first: 20,
      order_by: ["showtimes"],
      order_directions: ["asc"]
    }, for: Amplify.Models.Product)
    IO.inspect "total length is #{length(results)}". # this prints 1
    meta = Map.put(meta, :total_count, Flop.count(query, meta.flop))
    IO.inspect "total count is #{meta.total_count}" # this prints 154
    %{metadata: meta, data: results}