Source level debugging for Phoenix and Phoenix/LiveView apps?

Is there any IDE/editor that supports source level debugging for Phoenix and Phoenix/LiveView apps? There are known problems with using vscode and elixirls for this purpose.

Is there a possibility that this problem might be eventually addressed?

If you’re into Neovim, TJ DeVries has a great 10m video where he shows how to configure and use the debugger in Elixir as an example:

I’m not sure if the particular issues you’re experiencing are addressed in that scenario, but Neovim would certainly give you enough flexibility to add a workaround if needed.

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I should clarify. The Elixir_ls source level debugger works for debugging generic Elixir code. What doesn’t work is debugging Phoenix code. See the referenced GitHub defect for more details. Thanks

In the video, he is specifically debugging a live view without any trouble.

I did look through the issue, but wasn’t clear if the code reloading problem was specifically related to the way the VSCode plugin was handling the debugger, or the elixir_ls debugger itself?

Ok. I didn’t notice that. Thanks