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Thanks. It works great now.

BTW: This whole keymap thing opened my appetite to learn more about emacs programming. This definitely goes high in my TODO list.

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Awesome. Itā€™s quite nice. A lot nicer than vimscript imho

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@gon782 btw if you are using the Rebecca theme, weā€™ve just updated it to support better colors on terminal.

Since I have a hard head I tried to get what I wanted, so I think I will use Spacemacs ā€¦ but the code completion?
Like defm -> becomes
defmodule ____ to


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Iā€™m using italian. I think you ask because of the right option keyā€¦?

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Q: How do you fold code in Elixir mode? Normally ā€œz aā€ should expand/collapse, but it doesnā€™t seem to work with do/end blocks :confused:


How are you all jumping inside the function once it is defined, esc then o?

I mean after doing def|enter |spc|name_of_function which becomes:

def name_of_function do



def name_of_function do
  <- how do I get here
def name_of_function<- after here do


Currently using esc then o, but on Alchemist Vim I think you just need to press the tab key once the function name has been entered (would be cool if we could have the same in SpaceMacs).

I just press the down keyā€¦ >.>

I just stumbled across this thread. Iā€™m hoping someone in here can help me.

I was really impressed with Spacemacs, but I had an issue with formatting when editing .html.eex files that made it somewhat unusable for me, and I ended up going back to VS Code.

My issue had to do with strange indentation behaviour when adding lines to EEx files. Iā€™ve explained the issue in detail on StackOverflow, and even posted a bounty to no avail.

I opened an issue on the web-mode repo and got no real love there either.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Iā€™d like to go back to Spacemacsā€¦

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That takes me to the end of end :confused:

Hmm, I did change a lot of snippets (brought in from my atom things), I might have added a newline in my auto-complete. ^.^;

Would be cool if we can get it to behave like the Vim Alchemist (with tab key)ā€¦

No doubt, send in a PR? :slight_smile:

Itā€™s Lisp is it? I wouldnā€™t know where to start :lol:

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if there is already a better way (than how I am doing it) hence posted here to see what everyone else is doingā€¦

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There are several ways (I probably just do ESC o of old habitā€¦ You could also do C-o o. C-o in insert state makes the next command executed in normal state.

If you want the ā€œvimā€ way you can use snippets via yasnippets instead. :slight_smile:


Alchemist brought me to Spacemacs but I think my favourite part is Magit. Just found out the maintainer is doing a Kickstarter to fund maintenance and improvements. Iā€™ve backed it and Iā€™m guessing some others here might be interested in backing it too.


Thanks for posting that, I backed him! After really getting used to magit I have no patience for any other interface.

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yep - how did you solve it?

What were you (and @CodelessFuture) trying to solve?

If itā€™s the hash key, currently Iā€™ve mapped the right alt key to give me a # (not ideal but the only workaround I could find).

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same workaround - but not really happy with it ā€¦ but i also want to customize it more, so basic tutorials about building plugins or theming and colors (in tmux itā€™s ugly as hell)

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