Split off the first UTF char of a string

How to split off the first UTF char of a string and get the remaining.

I do it like << first :: utf8, rem :: binary >> = buffer.
No I see, that I will split UTF8 chars that way. Is it possible to get the first grapheme
with a match operation and get the remaining binary?

iex(55)> << x :: utf8, rem :: binary >> = "ä"
iex(56)> x
iex(57)> << "ä", 0 >>                        
<<195, 164, 0>>

What exactly you don’t like about the code that you’ve provided?

iex(2)> <<x::utf8, rest::bytes>> = "ä"
iex(3)> rest
iex(4)> <<x::utf8>>
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He probably meant this:

iex(1)> string = "\u0065\u0301"
iex(2)> <<x::utf8, rest::bytes>> = string
iex(3)> x
iex(4)> rest

But I doubt that graphemes can be matched via binary matches. I’d expect extracting those is more involved than what patter matching does do.

For a grapheme there are two ways…

iex(1)> String.graphemes "ä"
iex(2)> first = hd(v(1))
iex(3)> rest = tl(v(1)) |> Enum.join

The other one requires normalisation of the string before hand:

iex(1)> <<first_graph::utf8, rest::binary>> = String.normalize("ä", :nfc)
iex(2)> first = <<first_graph::utf8>>
iex(3)> rest

Also the integer 228 is equivalent to the UTF-8 encoded bytesequence <<195, 164>>.

This gives the first codepoint, not the first grapheme!

Try i rest in iex after your example, you’ll see its raw representation will be <<204, 129>> which encodes that funny little stroke above the e

Both ways you mentioned do work on all of the string. Are there ways to get the first grapheme without running over the string as a whole?

Yes, but I thought it would be complicated and I wanted to lookup normalize/2s implementation and accidentally found String.next_grapheme/1 which does exactly what OP is asking for:

iex(1)> {first, rest} = String.next_grapheme("ä")
{"ä", ""}
iex(2)> i first
Data type
Byte size
  This is a string: a UTF-8 encoded binary. It's printed surrounded by
  "double quotes" because all UTF-8 encoded codepoints in it are printable.
Raw representation
  <<195, 164>>
Reference modules
  String, :binary
Implemented protocols
  IEx.Info, String.Chars, Inspect, Collectable, List.Chars
iex(3)> i rest
Data type
Byte size
  This is a string: a UTF-8 encoded binary. It's printed surrounded by
  "double quotes" because all UTF-8 encoded codepoints in it are printable.
Raw representation
Reference modules
  String, :binary
Implemented protocols
  IEx.Info, String.Chars, Inspect, Collectable, List.Chars
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Dont understand that. Would be cool if you could explain that.

I use next_grapheme now and it works. Thx :slight_smile:

I’m not sure how to explain it without going to deep into how UTF8 encodes values…

I can only say, 228 is hex 0xe4, which is codepoint U+00e4 which in UTF-8 getes encoded as two bytes, the first beeing 195 (0xc3) and the second one beeing 164 (0xa4).

iex(1)> <<228::utf8>> === <<195, 164>>

Ok, got it. Now I see my mistake. I was too stupid to read idiots response. My mistake was
that I did not put the ::utf8 when using the grapheme.

Thx alot.

Remember, @idi527’s example does only take the first codepoint, not the first grapheme!

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@NobbZ thx for clarifying that. After reading parts of Codepoints vs Grapheme I think I got the difference.

I use that splitting of unicode binaries in the scanner of my xml lib (elixml). So I am more or less copying text. In that case I guess it is ok to work on codepoints. Correct me if I’m wrong.