Split output in multiple lines in doc test

I have read doc test documentation. And apply it in my project but I couldn’t figure this out.
If my output is very long like a query then How can i split it on multiple line .

     iex> query_opts = %{
     ...>   "$select" => %{"$fields" => ["name", "designation", "experience_years"]},
     ...>   "$where" => %{"designation" => %{"$ilike" => "%surge %"}},
     ...>   "$order" => %{"rating" => "$asc"}
     ...> }
     iex> #{FatEcto.FatQuery}.build(FatEcto.FatDoctor, query_opts)
     #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatDoctor, where: ilike(fragment("(?)::TEXT", f.designation), ^"%surge %") and ^true, order_by: [asc: f.rating], select: map(f, [:name, :designation, :experience_years])>

this works and test passes but i would like the result like this:

       #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatDoctor, where: ilike(fragment("(?)::TEXT", f.designation), ^"%surge %") 
       and ^true,
       order_by: [asc: f.rating], 
       select: map(f, [:name, :designation, :experience_years])>

It fails because I am using line break and the result of this function using spaces:

           left:  "#Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatDoctor, where: ilike(fragment(\"(?)::TEXT\", f.designation), 
           ^\"%surge %\") and ^true, order_by: [asc: f.rating], select: map(f, [:name, :designation, 

           right: "#Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatDoctor, where: ilike(fragment(\"(?)::TEXT\", f.designation), 
          ^\"%surge %\")\nand ^true,\norder_by: [asc: f.rating],\nselect: map(f, [:name, :designation, 

Is there any workaround?


Unfortunately that is not possible when you are matching on the printed value, which is exactly what you are doing by matching on #Ecto.Query. I don’t think there is a fix in this case, sorry! :frowning: