SSL calls to the services timeout during SSL handshake


Let me first preface this by saying I don’t think the problem lies in Erlang/Elixir.

Here’s our setup:

Production: Deployed on AWS as a cluster of k8s managed Docker containers, each running a single Erlang VM.

Development: Single Docker container (same specification as production) or simply running natively on a Mac.

The application periodically makes SSL client REST calls to a couple of servers.

Calls are made via HTTPoison which uses hackney, certificates managed by certifi

We were running OTP 22 and Elixir 11.X; we recently decided to upgrade to OTP 25 and Elixir 14. This also involved upgrading most of the dependencies.

Here is the problem. SSL calls to the services all timeout during SSL handshake. Here’s what is odd:

  1. I can make SSL calls to new websites
  2. Everything works in the development environment
  3. DNS resolution and TCP connectivity works

I simplified things a little with this snippet:

  opts = [{:log_level, :debug}, {:verify, :verify_peer}, {:customize_hostname_check, [match_fun:  fn(_ip, _x) -> true end]}, {:cacerts, :certifi.cacerts()}]

  with {:ok, port} <- :gen_tcp.connect(%{addr: {104, 18, 128, 69}, port: 443, family: :inet}, [], 5000),
       _ <- IO.puts("Connected on 443"),
       _ <- :inet.peername(port) |> IO.inspect(label: :peer_info),
       {:ok, ssl_port} <- :ssl.connect(port, opts, 5000)
           IO.inspect(:ssl.getstat(ssl_port), label: :success)
    error -> IO.inspect(error, label: :error)

The :gen_tcp.connect works, the :ssl.connect fails. I have tried a number of options combinations.

I enabled ssl debugging and got this:

>>> TLS 1.3 Handshake, ClientHello
     #{alpn => undefined,
       client_hello_versions => {client_hello_versions,[{3,4},{3,3}]},
       ec_point_formats => {ec_point_formats,[0]},
       elliptic_curves => {supported_groups,[x25519,x448,secp256r1,secp384r1]},
       key_share =>
       max_frag_enum => undefined,next_protocol_negotiation => undefined,
       renegotiation_info => {renegotiation_info,undefined},
       signature_algs =>
       signature_algs_cert => undefined,sni => undefined,srp => undefined}}]
writing (269 bytes) TLS 1.2 Record Protocol, handshake
0000 - 16 03 03 01 08 01 00 01  04 03 03 86 98 e6 57 28    ..............W(
0010 - 48 81 77 96 af fc 1b f6  ca 08 d3 67 0c 30 e2 db    H.w........g.0..
0020 - a7 b7 bf ea 0c ae 93 7f  19 9b 35 00 00 62 00 ff    ..........5..b..
0030 - 13 02 13 01 13 03 13 04  13 05 c0 2c c0 30 c0 ad    ...........,.0..
0040 - c0 af c0 24 c0 28 cc a9  cc a8 c0 2b c0 2f c0 ac    ...$.(.....+./..
0050 - c0 ae c0 2e c0 32 c0 26  c0 2a c0 2d c0 31 c0 23    .....2.&.*.-.1.#
0060 - c0 27 c0 25 c0 29 00 9f  00 a3 00 6b 00 6a 00 9e    .'.%.).....k.j..
0070 - 00 a2 cc aa 00 67 00 40  c0 0a c0 14 c0 05 c0 0f    .....g.@........
0080 - c0 09 c0 13 c0 04 c0 0e  00 39 00 38 00 33 00 32    .........
0090 - 01 00 00 79 00 0d 00 2e  00 2c 08 07 08 08 06 03    ...y.....,......
00a0 - 05 03 04 03 08 0b 08 0a  08 09 08 06 08 05 08 04    ................
00b0 - 06 03 06 01 05 03 05 01  04 03 04 01 03 03 03 01    ................
00c0 - 02 03 02 01 02 02 00 33  00 26 00 24 00 1d 00 20    .......3.&.$...
00d0 - 2b 58 8e 7d 12 b3 ab 2e  ae dd bb 2f 98 57 1f c0    +X.}......./.W..
00e0 - bb 7e f0 27 7a 17 de 66  ad df 81 c5 79 e6 cb 4b    .~.'z..f....y..K
00f0 - 00 0a 00 0a 00 08 00 1d  00 1e 00 17 00 18 00 0b    ................
0100 - 00 02 01 00 00 2b 00 05  04 03 04 03 03             .....+.......

error: {:error, :timeout}

We simply do not get the response back to the first TLS handshake.

I’m thinking that there is some k8s or other caching going on, and I’ll ask our k8s expert tomorrow.

I was wondering if anyone else has hit this issue?


There are some bugs in some versions of the ssl module for OTP 25, which may be related to request timeouts. It is recommended that you upgrade to the latest Erlang version

It’s either this or a handshake/signature algorithm got deprecated, I had this problem with SFTP servers upon migration from OTP-23 to OTP-24.

I have a feeling this Erlang/OTP 25 Highlights - Erlang/OTP might be the culprit.

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There was a squid proxy in the way that objected to the newer R25 ssl ciphers. Does anyone know if the list of ciphers can be configured at startup rather than per-session?