Starting & shutting down iex with a Port - gracefully

Hello my fellow elixir enthusiasts!

I want to start iex in a port then shut it down and I want to do so gracefully. Here is my attempt with some things outcommented that I tried:

port ={:spawn, "iex"}, [:binary])

# wait for startup
receive do
  {^port, {:data, "iex(1)> "}} -> :ok

# attemtps at closing iex in the port
# send(port, {:command, "^C"})
# send(port, {:command, "^C"})
# send(port, {:command, "^\\"})
# port_info = port |> |> IO.inspect()
# os_pid = Access.get(port_info, :os_pid)
# System.cmd("kill", [to_string(os_pid)])

# attempts at closing just the port
# send(port, {self(), :close})
# receive do
#   {^port, :closed} -> :ok
# end
IO.puts("script finished")

Running this leads to the following output:

tobi@qiqi:~/github/elixir_playground(main)$ mix run scripts/close_iex.exs; echo $?
script finished
Failed to write log message to stdout, trying stderr

11:22:42.395 [error] Process #PID<0.101.0> raised an exception
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in :string.trim_l/2
    (stdlib 5.1.1) string.erl:884: :string.trim_l(:eof, [~c"\r\n", 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 32, 133, 8206, 8207, 8232, 8233])
    (stdlib 5.1.1) string.erl:303: :string.trim/3
    (kernel 9.1) group.erl:534: :group.get_chars_apply/10
    (kernel 9.1) group.erl:199: :group.io_request/6
    (kernel 9.1) group.erl:125: :group.server_loop/3
Failed to write log message to stdout, trying stderr

11:22:42.406 [info] Failed to write to standard out (:epipe)

(you can also check it out at

I can not get it to finish without any errors like these. To be clear, the command exits with 0 aka job well done.

I’m running 1.16.0-rc.1 x 26.1.2 on Linux but I’m pretty sure this happens on everything.

As for the inevitable question “why would anyone want to do this?” the script is based off a test in benchee:

It’s a test that makes sure Benchee warns when run inside iex. The test works. It passes. However it spouts these error messages and seems to (partially) break the shell as I went down to diagnose that if the tests are initiated via Mix.Shell.IO.cmd that then infinitely hangs which breaks ex_guard which makes me sad (cc: @slashmili / Stopped working for benchee / only runs one command · Issue #68 · slashmili/ex_guard · GitHub ).

I’m confident though that if we solve this script, we solve that test, i.e. I’m confident it’s connected to the error Failed to write log message to stdout, trying stderr

Thanks everyone for taking a look and helping! :green_heart:

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It should be possible to do Port.close/1 without seeing that crash. The crash is caused by a disagreement by group and IEx.Server.__parse__/2. group expects __parse__/2 to return {stop, eof, eof}, while it returns {stop, eof, []}. I think that in this case it is group that is wrong and it should be able to handle what __parse__/2 is doing. I’ll write a fix for this.

As a workaround you can close the shell by sending "\aq\n". i.e.

port ={:spawn, "iex"}, [:binary, :exit_status])
receive do
  {^port, {:data, "iex(1)> "}} -> :ok
send(port, {self, {:command, "\a"}})
send(port, {self, {:command, "q\n"}})
receive do
  {^port, {:exit_status, num}} -> num

Most likely this error does not exist when using Erlang/OTP < 26.


Wow, thanks a ton! Sorry for the assumption old erlang versions also had the problem - you’re right, they don’t!

@garazdawi it’s just amazing that I can ask a question here, someone from the Erlang Core team takes the time to look at it and answer it and figures out it’s actually a bug and implements a fix. All within ~3h. Absolutely amazing, tack så mycket!

The script needs some small adustments (self() and the last receive does not work/happen for me):

port ={:spawn, "iex"}, [:binary])

# wait for startup
receive do
  {^port, {:data, "iex(1)> "}} -> :ok

send(port, {self(), {:command, "\a"}})
send(port, {self(), {:command, "q\n"}})

@garazdawi any reference where I can learn about the commands/inputs we’re sending there? quick google wasn’t successful but probably that’s me.

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The script needs some small adustments (self() and the last receive does not work/happen for me):

I added :exit_status to the arguments to make the receive work.

@garazdawi any reference where I can learn about the commands/inputs we’re sending there? quick google wasn’t successful but probably that’s me.

“\a” is the same as typing Ctrl+G, which is ascii code 7 i.e. bell/alert. So by sending \a you enter Job Control Mode in the shell, and from there you just type “q\n” to exit the shell.

I suppose sending ":init.stop\n" would achieve almost the same thing, though it would require the shell to be in a clean state.

woops sorry :expressionless: I should read better :face_in_clouds:

Thanks a ton!

While the error is gone, something is still odd at least with exit_status it doesn’t work for me, I get notes about syntax errors instead:

port ={:spawn, "iex"}, [:binary, :exit_status])
receive do
  {^port, {:data, "iex(1)> "}} -> :ok
send(port, {self(), {:command, "\a"}})
send(port, {self(), {:command, "q\n"}})
receive do
  {^port, {:exit_status, num}} -> num
  5_000 ->
    messages = :erlang.process_info(self(), :messages)
    IO.inspect(messages, label: "messages")
tobi@qiqi:~/github/elixir_playground(main)$ mix run wut.exs 
messages: {:messages,
     "Interactive Elixir (1.16.0-rc.1) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)\n"}},
     "** (SyntaxError) invalid syntax found on iex:1:1:\n    error: unexpected token: alert (column 1, code point U+0007)\n    │\n  1 │ \aq\n    │ ^\n    │\n    └─ iex:1:1\n    (iex 1.16.0-rc.1) lib/iex/evaluator.ex:294: IEx.Evaluator.parse_eval_inspect/4\n    (iex 1.16.0-rc.1) lib/iex/evaluator.ex:187: IEx.Evaluator.loop/1\n    (iex 1.16.0-rc.1) lib/iex/evaluator.ex:32: IEx.Evaluator.init/5\n    (stdlib proc_lib.erl:240: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3\n"}},
   {#Port<0.6>, {:data, "iex(1)> "}}

(both on erlang 25 and 26)

edit: Maybe I need to wait between the 2 sends ?

Yes, most likely you do. Wait until you receive -->.