Hi everyone, I have been trying to setup xandra in order to use Cassandra in my phoenix project. The xandra connection with Cassandra is made in my application.ex file, by specifying it as a child in my supervision tree like {Xandra, name: :xandra_connection} now I can execute queries like …
statement =
"CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3};"
Xandra.execute(:xander_connection, statement, [])
This works but in case of migrations involving xandra I need to establish the xandra connection every time like…
defmodule Test.Repo.Migrations.CreateKeyspace do
use Ecto.Migration
def up do
Xandra.start_link(name: :xander_connection)
statement =
"CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3};"
Xandra.execute(:xander_connection, statement, [])
def down do
Xandra.start_link(name: :xander_connection)
statement = "DROP KEYSPACE test"
Xandra.execute(:xander_connection, statement, [])
I want to establish the connection once before running the migrations and avoid writing Xandra.start_link(name: :xander_connection) every time in the migrations.
Can anyone help me with this?
How do you start Xandra normally? If you’re using an application entry in mix.exs, you could try adding a start_apps_before_migration entry referring to it to your Repo’s configuration.
Thanks for the reply, I already saw this but I am confused, how do I specify Xandra.start_link(name: :xander_connection) in start_apps_before_migration since it only accepts a list of atoms where the atoms are .app files.
I added this in my config config :app, App.Repo, start_apps_before_migration: [:xandra]
This will try to start the app defined in _build/dev/lib/xandra/ebin/xandra.app
but does this actually do Xandra.start_link() ?
Also I need to specify a name to the Xandra process like Xandra.start_link(name: :xander_connection)
So that later I can use this name to execute queries like Xandra.execute(:xander_connection, query, [])
without the name I don’t know the pid of the Xandra process even if it is started.
Here xandra is a child process for the Your Application Supervisor, So you can start the Xandra before migration, by writing this line start_apps_before_migration: [:my_app] in your Repo configuration. This means you are starting your application before migration. Your config.exs may look like -
I tried following @SPrio-kt’s solution, but now everytime I try to run tests or start the server I keep getting errors with the following message: ** (RuntimeError) cannot use Logger, the :logger application is not running.