State of the Elixir/Phoenix APM circa 2017

Hello peeps,

What APM(s) are you using with your apps? What pros and cons did you find in them?
Are there services that can do two things together - monitor performance and catch errors?

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I’ve recently launched PryIn ( It’s built specifically for (and in) Elixir and Phoenix. Besides general APM features (monitors controllers and channels, gives you insights into what queries are run and how long they take, …), it also collects metrics about the BEAM and can show you when for example your atoms memory is growing.
It’s quite young but it’s already used by some sites with considerable traffic and people are happy.

For those that aren’t familiar with what APM means it is Application Performance Management (such as New Relic)

We use App Signal at work and it has been working pretty well for us (we’re on Heroku so options are a little more limited).


On the topic of APM Chris mcCord mentioned some improvements coming phoenix 1.4 Around minute 25 in Closing keynote Elixirconf 2017

Really excited to see what the team comes up with for this. Built in APM would be really cool and valuable.

I was lucky (persistent enough!) to win AppSignal and can say that it’s beating Rollbar in any direction. For them Elixir is a part of a core competence, while for Rollbar it’s just a part of the bigger bundle, and obviously not the one that brings the most cash. Thus, a lot of minor things that can improve experience are missing.

Can recommend AppSignal.