State of the Nerves Nation Survey 2024

Hey friends! :wave:

With NervesConf 2024 around the corner, Frank, myself, and the greater Nerves team wanted to share a survey we’ve put together to help us better understand how you are using Nerves and how we can improve it.

The survey will be online until May 31st, and the results will be shared with everyone by June 30th.

:beers:and happy hacking!


Very cool. Some of the options might benefit from a No or N/A answer. Also, one of the questions should be corrected (i.e., “Have you used another other languages for IoT?”)

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Oops, that was supposed to say any other

Which questions would you recommend we add N/A to?

Mainly these:

  • Have you used any other languages for IoT? No.
  • Have you tried, or are using, other IoT platforms? No.
  • Would having a hosted NervesHub help with your adoption of Nerves? Not sure.
  • What other IoT related infrastructure do you use? None.

I realize that not picking an option is a de facto No answer, but having it explicitly listed as an option would be nicer.



Thank you for the feedback :slight_smile:

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My pleasure. I really need to find an excuse to use Nerves.