I have a GenServer running as a child under DynamicSupervisor. The GenServer does something and using info status message I check it’s state and when the GenServer finished it’s job, I return
{:stop, :normal, state}
from it. And I want to stop the process, but the DynamicSupervisor restarts it again. I tried to send a message before returning the {:stop… } and in the handler of the message call terminate_child, but the supervisor seems to be faster restarting the child before terminating it.
I want the process to be supervised for error reasons, so when there is a problem, it restarts it, but I want to end gracefully when finished without restarting it.
What can I do or what’s best way how to handle such scenario?
Thanks in advance.
What child spec do You pass to dynamic supervisor to start your worker?
Here is one I use that does not imply worker restart…
spec = %{
id: name,
start: {Worker, :start_link, [args]},
restart: :temporary,
type: :worker
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Hey, I’m using the Module child spec.
{Service.Manager, [id: id, opts: opts]}
I think it’s the restart:
option. now I see in the docs
- the child process is restarted only if it terminates abnormally, i.e., with an exit reason other than :normal
, :shutdown
, or {:shutdown, term}
This seems to be what I was looking for, thanks for the hint with restart:
I am using restart: :temporary because I delegate the monitoring task to another process… making my dynamic supervisor superdumb.
But I would use :transient as well in your case
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is it possible to find out? if/how it terminates abnormally? like the reason of why it terminated abnormally ?
I think it should be in the logs. I keep getting abnormal termination messages in the sentry spam that the company I work subscribed me to.