Strange behaviour on authentication (phx.gen.auth)

Hi, today I generated a new auth admin in my phoenix 1.7.7 app

mix phx.gen.auth Accounts Admin admins

and after creating a new admin using the built-in form everything seems to be alright. Well… almost everything. When logged in, the admin token is seen

session: %{
  "_csrf_token" => "qWmAvVGzs...",
  "admin_return_to" => "/dashboard",
  "admin_token" => <<195, 253, (...)>>,
  "live_socket_id" => "admins_sessions:w_3CYZGonln4 ..."

and following a page, for example admins/log_in successfully redirect to /. The problem is that the routes which require authenticated admin still require it. I am clicking on the settings button which goes to /admins/settings and the toast says me I need to log in, but i was already logged in. I tried to put different route in that scope, but the error still remains with the “new” live route.

  scope "/", TennisWeb do
    pipe_through([:browser, :require_authenticated_admin])

    live_session :require_authenticated_admin,
      on_mount: [{TennisWeb.AdminAuth, :ensure_authenticated}] do
      live("/admins/settings", AdminSettingsLive, :edit)
      live("/admins/settings/confirm_email/:token", AdminSettingsLive, :confirm_email)

I have no idea what could be wrong. For sure the wrong is with me, but what could it be?
Best Regards

You see that session even in the logs for /admin/settings?

I get this

session: %{
  "_csrf_token" => "qWmAvVGzs6FdwNf",
  "admin_return_to" => "/admins/settings",
  "admin_token" => <<195, 253, 194, >>,
  "live_socket_id" => "admins_sessions:w_3CYZGonln4PjFEsFoxjF=",
  "phoenix_flash" => %{"error" => "You must log in to access this page."}

Ok cool, so then can you see the SQL in your logs where it’s trying to select from admins_tokens? And then I’d double check the record itself in the DB with something like (assuming you only have a couple of token entries):

Tennis.Repo.all Tennis.Accounts.AdminToken

Is there any reason that query isn’t pulling up that token record? (it can only be the token, context or inserted_at)

[info] GET /admins/settings
[debug] Processing with TennisWeb.AdminSettingsLive.edit/2
  Parameters: %{}
  Pipelines: [:browser, :require_authenticated_admin]
[info] Sent 302 in 2ms
[debug] Phoenix.Router halted in :require_authenticated_admin/2
[info] GET /admins/log_in
[debug] Processing with
  Parameters: %{}
  Pipelines: [:browser, :redirect_if_admin_is_authenticated]
[debug] QUERY OK source="admins_tokens" db=0.4ms idle=1810.1ms
SELECT a1."id", a1."email", a1."hashed_password", a1."confirmed_at", a1."inserted_at", a1."updated_at" FROM "admins_tokens" AS a0 INNER JOIN "admins" AS a1 ON a1."id" = a0."admin_id" WHERE ((a0."token" = $1) AND (a0."context" = $2)) AND (a0."inserted_at" > $3::timestamp + (-(60)::numeric * interval '1 day')) [<<91, 7, 196, 251, 187, 59, 123, 226, 144, 242, 237, 59, 30, 141, 172, 17, 182, 223, 9, 196, 98, 3, 145, 43, 120, 187, 24, 4, 60, 174, 153, 132>>, "session", ~U[2023-08-15 07:21:17.743217Z]]
↳ Phoenix.LiveView.Utils.assign_new/3, at: lib/phoenix_live_view/utils.ex:79
[info] Sent 302 in 2ms
[info] GET /

As I read this, it first stops to require_authenticated_admin, it thinks that there is no admin logged in, it redirects to admins/log_in, but oh, there is an admin.

    __meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "admins_tokens">,
    id: 1,
    token: <<114, 195, 157, 169, 173, 83, 53, 117, 118, 11, 231, 83, 96, 36, 15,
      147, 51, 95, 25, 250, 239, 158, 80, 40, 63, 82, 98, 76, 60, 209, 214,
    context: "confirm",
    sent_to: "",
    admin_id: 1,
    admin: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :admin is not loaded>,
    inserted_at: ~N[2023-08-14 13:52:24]
    __meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "admins_tokens">,
    id: 3,
    token: <<89, 211, 31, 60, 6, 252, 8, 27, 0, 27, 37, 212, 226, 216, 144, 185,
      169, 42, 128, 206, 205, 179, 101, 156, 98, 117, 162, 251, 41, 208, 180,
    context: "session",
    sent_to: nil,
    admin_id: 1,
    admin: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :admin is not loaded>,
    inserted_at: ~N[2023-08-14 14:09:25]
    __meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "admins_tokens">,
    id: 4,
    token: <<195, 253, 194, 97, 145, 168, 158, 89, 248, 62, 49, 68, 176, 90, 49,
      140, 94, 213, 129, 77, 83, 14, 34, 128, 46, 158, 194, 117, 218, 217, 130,
    context: "session",
    sent_to: nil,
    admin_id: 1,
    admin: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :admin is not loaded>,
    inserted_at: ~N[2023-08-14 16:50:56]
    __meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "admins_tokens">,
    id: 6,
    token: <<96, 18, 203, 223, 86, 21, 223, 199, 81, 181, 7, 82, 249, 87, 236,
      227, 29, 249, 41, 72, 96, 244, 167, 170, 121, 125, 45, 13, 249, 166, 240,
    context: "session",
    sent_to: nil,
    admin_id: 1,
    admin: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :admin is not loaded>,
    inserted_at: ~N[2023-08-15 07:25:30]

The query is pulling up token records. But, if the token in the [debug] ends with 153, 132 - there is no suck token in Tennis.Accounts.AdminToken. That means the token is not properly recorded to SQL (postgres)?

Yeah, so your first request there for GET /admins/settings has no session, so no surprise you halted at require_auth... and were redirected to login. I’d like to see after that login what happens if you THEN requested /admins/settings again.

[info] POST /admins/log_in
[debug] Processing with TennisWeb.AdminSessionController.create/2
  Parameters: %{"_csrf_token" => "ESw_VzEnZ1lfGBZqMQcRYz1aHCUtGx0ODonfWjP3krARTTwQwnzvoqgc", "admin" => %{"email" => "email@email", "password" => "[FILTERED]", "remember_me" => "false"}}
  Pipelines: [:browser, :redirect_if_admin_is_authenticated]
[debug] QUERY OK source="admins" db=1.0ms queue=0.6ms idle=1621.0ms
SELECT a0."id", a0."email", a0."hashed_password", a0."confirmed_at", a0."inserted_at", a0."updated_at" FROM "admins" AS a0 WHERE (a0."email" = $1) [""]
↳ Tennis.Accounts.get_admin_by_email_and_password/2, at: lib/tennis/accounts.ex:43
[debug] QUERY OK db=2.0ms queue=1.5ms idle=1814.0ms
INSERT INTO "admins_tokens" ("admin_id","context","token","inserted_at") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4) RETURNING "id" [1, "session", <<114, 209, 156, 4, 227, 124, 191, 227, 219, 137, 126, 16, 172, 31, 131, 208, 139, 87, 121, 35, 192, 226, 101, 146, 222, 75, 87, 90, 123, 245, 88, 14>>, ~N[2023-08-15 13:33:13]]
↳ Tennis.Accounts.generate_admin_session_token/1, at: lib/tennis/accounts.ex:225
[info] Sent 302 in 202ms
[info] GET /
[debug] Processing with
  Parameters: %{}
  Pipelines: [:browser]
session: %{
  "admin_token" => <<114, 209, 156, 4, 227, 124, 191, 227, 219, 137, 126, 16,
    172, 31, 131, 208, 139, 87, 121, 35, 192, 226, 101, 146, 222, 75, 87, 90,
    123, 245, 88, 14>>,
  "live_socket_id" => "admins_sessions:ctGcBON8v-PbiX4QrB-D0ItXeSPA4mWS3ktXWnv1WA4=",
  "phoenix_flash" => %{"info" => "Welcome back!"}
[debug] QUERY OK source="admins_tokens" db=0.8ms queue=1.6ms idle=1865.0ms
SELECT a1."id", a1."email", a1."hashed_password", a1."confirmed_at", a1."inserted_at", a1."updated_at" FROM "admins_tokens" AS a0 INNER JOIN "admins" AS a1 ON a1."id" = a0."admin_id" WHERE ((a0."token" = $1) AND (a0."context" = $2)) AND (a0."inserted_at" > $3::timestamp + (-(60)::numeric * interval '1 day')) [<<114, 209, 156, 4, 227, 124, 191, 227, 219, 137, 126, 16, 172, 31, 131, 208, 139, 87, 121, 35, 192, 226, 101, 146, 222, 75, 87, 90, 123, 245, 88, 14>>, "session", ~U[2023-08-15 13:33:13.872013Z]]
↳ TennisWeb.PageLive.Index.mount/3, at: lib/tennis_web/live/page_live/index.ex:14

it seems ok to me. And this is after log in and requestiong /admin/settings

[info] GET /admins/settings
[debug] Processing with TennisWeb.AdminSettingsLive.edit/2
  Parameters: %{}
  Pipelines: [:browser, :require_authenticated_admin]
[info] Sent 302 in 2ms
[debug] Phoenix.Router halted in :require_authenticated_admin/2
[info] GET /admins/log_in
[debug] Processing with
  Parameters: %{}
  Pipelines: [:browser, :redirect_if_admin_is_authenticated]
[debug] QUERY OK source="admins_tokens" db=1.6ms idle=1758.1ms
SELECT a1."id", a1."email", a1."hashed_password", a1."confirmed_at", a1."inserted_at", a1."updated_at" FROM "admins_tokens" AS a0 INNER JOIN "admins" AS a1 ON a1."id" = a0."admin_id" WHERE ((a0."token" = $1) AND (a0."context" = $2)) AND (a0."inserted_at" > $3::timestamp + (-(60)::numeric * interval '1 day')) [<<114, 209, 156, 4, 227, 124, 191, 227, 219, 137, 126, 16, 172, 31, 131, 208, 139, 87, 121, 35, 192, 226, 101, 146, 222, 75, 87, 90, 123, 245, 88, 14>>, "session", ~U[2023-08-15 13:35:10.838007Z]]
↳ Phoenix.LiveView.Utils.assign_new/3, at: lib/phoenix_live_view/utils.ex:79
[info] Sent 302 in 4ms
[info] GET /
[debug] Processing with
  Parameters: %{}
  Pipelines: [:browser]
session: %{
  "_csrf_token" => "PK5U2B2Tway5URNSI4RIY90b",
  "admin_return_to" => "/admins/settings",
  "admin_token" => <<114, 209, 156, 4, 227, 124, 191, 227, 219, 137, 126, 16,
    172, 31, 131, 208, 139, 87, 121, 35, 192, 226, 101, 146, 222, 75, 87, 90,
    123, 245, 88, 14>>,
  "live_socket_id" => "admins_sessions:ctGcBON8v-PbiX4QrB-D0ItXeSPA4mWS3ktXWnv1WA4=",
  "phoenix_flash" => %{"error" => "You must log in to access this page."}

From what I understand and read - it works expected until that pipeline [:browser, :require_authenticated_admin]

Hmm, and after that if you go to / you’re still logged in?

yes. Could there be something wrong with my Live mount for @current_admin?

def mount(_params, session, socket) do
    current_admin_token = session["admin_token"]
    IO.inspect(session, label: "session")

    if is_nil(current_admin_token) do
      {:ok, socket |> assign(:current_admin, nil)}
      current_admin = Accounts.get_admin_by_session_token(current_admin_token)
      {:ok, socket |> assign(:current_admin, current_admin)}

Ummm, where did that code come from? :face_with_peeking_eye:

well, after generating auth, there was @current_admin not found error, so I built this myself in / live view. When there is not admin token → nil, else pass the current_admin. I did this last year in a phx 1.6 and it was fine.

Right, I mean there’s nothing wrong with your code, but obviously that’s why your / is logged in. Your original post suggested you had just run the generator and things were broken.

So now the problem you have is really that you’re never logged in for any route (other than the ones you’ve manually logged in with your own custom code) :man_facepalming:

So totally different diagnosis. You’d have to start looking through your AdminAuth module at your fetch_current_admin, make sure that’s the plug being used in your pipeline in your routes, then taking a look at your ensure_authenticated handler, etc…

session can not be updated in live view.
You need to submit live view login form to phoenix controller that will do the authentication of user credentials.
In controller you store user_id in session. In on_mount callback you read user_id from that session.