Structs for a toy robot

@directions_to_the_right %{north: :east, east: :south, south: :west, west: :north}
def right(%ToyRobot.Position{facing: facing} = robot) do
%ToyRobot.Position{robot | facing: @directions_to_the_right[facing]}

This is the code. Normally in elixir we define structs like-
But here what is the significance of this @ and % after Struct’s name

Here’s the syntax highlighted code:

@directions_to_the_right %{north: :east, east: :south, south: :west, west: :north}
def right(%ToyRobot.Position{facing: facing} = robot) do
%ToyRobot.Position{robot | facing: @directions_to_the_right[facing]}

That’s how you might initialise a struct. In order to define a struct, you use defstuct

The @ is used to assign a module attribute, so @directions_to_the_right is a module attribute.


%{north: :east, east: :south, south: :west, west: :north}

however is a map and not a struct.


%ToyRobot.Position{robot | facing: @directions_to_the_right[facing]}

We are updating the value of the facing key, but accessing the value of the direction to the right from @directions_to_the_right.

For more info and structs and maps see:

Modules attributes (@directions_to_the_right in this case) are just conveniences. They are replaced at compile time (known as macro in other languages). They cannot be accessed once the module has been compiled.