I installed SuperElixir Package on Sublime Text 3 and followed the instructions (installed SublimeLinter
and Elixir also) in order to lint my Elixir projects.
However, I think Sublime can’t find the linter. I only get the message <file>: No lint results.
As for the Elixir package for syntax highlight and formatting, I added "mix_format_on_save": true to the settings, but it isn’t working. Only through the super+shift+c keybinding.
Has anyone had these problems also?
Thanks in advance!
It ships with a very old version of elixir_sense, it might simply not work with current elixir versions.
“Linting” seems to only inlcude compiler warnings. Try to_charlist vs. to_char_list, the latter should trigger a compiler warning.
I can not say anything about the format on save thing. I found that that the setting is mentioned in the “Elixir” plugin, though I can’t say much beyond that.
Instead of the very old “SuperElixir”, have you considered using LSP + elixir-ls (config example). You should probably use a tagged version of the elixir-ls, master likes to break every now and then
Thank you! I tried LSP + elixir-ls and it works great! Even on save format started working properly, don’t really understand why.
I got one last question due to elixir-lsdialyzer integration. Since there isn’t an official plugin for Sublime, how do I enable/disable dialyzer here? Setting elixirLS.dialyzerEnabled to false in LSP client settings doesn’t work.