Supervising async tasks

I was following this thread due to how common this use case is as expressed by @stefanchrobot and and the solution @josevalim gave seemed interesting and simple.

So I went and code it myself as I understood the use case and Task documentation (

It took me a while to grasp but this is the code. Please correct me if there is anything I misunderstood:

  1. Crete the project

    mix new stask --sup
    cd stask 
    mix deps.get
  2. The supervision tree

    defmodule Stask.Application do
    @moduledoc false
    use Application
    def start(_type, _args) do
      children = [
          name: Stask.TaskSupervisor,
          restart: :temporary
      opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Stask.Supervisor]
      Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)   
  3. The basic task

     defmodule Stask do
       def some_task(text) do
         # Some hard work
         # Final result
         {:ok, "Hello #{text}"}
  4. The GenServer

    defmodule Stask.Server do
    use GenServer
    ## Client API
    def start() do
      GenServer.start(__MODULE__, nil, name: __MODULE__)
    def execute_task(pid, name, task_timeout) do
      GenServer.cast(pid, {:execute, name, task_timeout})
    ## Server Callbacks
    def init(_) do
      Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
      {:ok, %{msg: "", timer: "", timeout: ""}}
    def handle_cast({:execute, name, task_timeout}, state) do
      task = Task.Supervisor.async(Stask.TaskSupervisor, Stask, :some_task, [name])
      timer_ref = Process.send_after(self(), {:kill, task}, task_timeout)
      {:noreply, %{state | timer: timer_ref}}
    ## Handle info functions
    # This handle function executes when the task has timed out
     def handle_info({:kill, task}, state) do
       # Do some book keeping here
       IO.puts("Task has been canceled due to time out")
       # You can specify how much time you can wait a task to exit. If it
       # does not exit in this treshold time it will be killed 
       # The default time is 5000ms. You can have Task.shutdown(task, 2000).
       # You can also kill it immediatly. Task.shutdown(task, :brutal_kill)
       # Check documentation:
       case Task.shutdown(task) do
         {:ok, _reply} ->
           # Do some book keeping, the task responded while the task was
           # been shutdown
           IO.puts("The task responded while it was shutting down")
         {:exit, _reason} -> 
           # Do seme book keeping, if task dies while it was waiting for
           # shutdown
          IO.puts("The task died before just it was shutdown")
        nil -> 
          # Do some book kepping, the task was shutdown
          IO.puts("The task was shutdown")
     {:noreply, state}
    # This handle_info functions receives the message when the task 
    # finished successfully in time
    def handle_info({_ref, {:ok, msg}}, state) do
        # Do some book keeping, the task finish successfully
        IO.puts("Task finished successfully")
        {:noreply, %{state | msg: msg}}
    # Once the task finised successfully, it exits normally.
    # This handle_info function responds to this message.
    def handle_info({:EXIT, _pid, :normal}, state) do
       # Do some book keeping
       IO.puts("The task exited and finished normally")
       {:noreply, state} 
    # Finally, when the task, the caller receives a DOWN message.
    # In this case the caller was the GenServer.
    def handle_info({:DOWN, _ref, :process, _pid, :normal}, state) do
      # Do some book keeping one the task goes down
      {:noreply, state}