Temple DSL - pass attributes dynamically to a macro

My question is regarding the temple dsl.

The typical way to render a template is like so -

temple do
  div class: "px-4 my-4", id: "holder", "data-a1": "something" do
    p do: "Hello World!"

Now the way temple works is each node (div, p) etc take a keyword list as a parameter.

My requirement is that I want to create the list of attributes dynamically and then pass it to the div macro.

For ex
attrs = ["class": "px-4 my-4", "id": "holder", "data-a1": "something", "data-a2": "something else"]

and then pass it to the div like so

temple do
  div attrs do
    p do: "Hello World!"

But the above gives a runtime error. List cannot be converted into string.
Please advice what I am doing wrong and how to correct it.

Thank you so much!