Testing controllers - unexpected problems with custom Pow auth

Hi, during creating my own custom Pow auth I stuck during testing. I made a research on web but couldnt find solution.

For learning purpose I show token in json. I need it to paste in postman during manual testing (i dont know yet how to use postman with session/cookies auth :frowning: )

@spec reset_password(Conn.t(), map()) :: Conn.t()
  def reset_password(conn, %{"id" => token, "user" => user_params}) do
    with {:ok, conn} <- PowResetPassword.Plug.load_user_by_token(conn, token),
         {:ok, _user, conn}  <- PowResetPassword.Plug.update_user_password(conn, user_params) do
          json(conn, %{status: "Password changed"})
          {:error, _changeset, conn} ->
            json(conn, %{error: %{message: "Passwords are not the same"}})

          _ ->
            json(conn, %{error: %{message: "Expired Token"}})

Function works well, shows expected errors while providing invalid params or token. I wanted to write tests for it and then I stuck. I cant go through them and my every try is failed.

I setup up user before tests:

  setup do
    user =
        |> User.changeset(%{email: "test@example.com", password: @password, password_confirmation: @password})
        |> Repo.insert!()

    {:ok, user: user}

First attemp:

  @valid_params %{"id" => "token", "user" => %{"password" => @new_password, "password_confirmation" => @new_password}}

  describe "reset_password/2" do

    test "with valid token and passwords", %{conn: conn} do
      conn = post(conn, Routes.password_path(conn, :reset_password, @valid_params))

      assert json = json_response(conn, 200)
      assert json["status"]

Error in terminal:

Expected truthy, got nil
     code: assert json["status"]

         # 1
         %{"error" => %{"message" => "Expired Token"}}

         # 2

I suppose that it needs real token, not any hard coded pretending to be real.

Second attemp:

  use PowApiTemplateWeb.ConnCase

  alias Plug.Conn
  alias PowApiTemplate.{Repo, Users.User}
  alias PowResetPassword.Plug
  alias Pow.Plug, as: PowPlug

  describe "reset_password/2" do
    setup %{conn: conn} do
      token = PowResetPassword.Plug.create_reset_token(conn, "test@example.com")

      {:ok, conn: conn, token: token}

    test "with valid token and passwords", %{conn: conn} do
      conn = post(conn, Routes.password_path(conn, :reset_password, @valid_params))

      assert json = json_response(conn, 200)
      assert json["status"]

It seems to be working. I use real conn, use function providing token, but there appears an error i couldn’t resolve even if I checked for solutions, check if I write in config everything like it is written in docs:

(Pow.Config.ConfigError) Pow configuration not found in connection. Please use a Pow plug that puts the Pow configuration in the plug connection.

I tried also different way of writing this func but Pow config errors still appears. I dont think my function in untestable, but there are issues I can resolve after digging in docs:

  describe "reset_password/2" do

    test "with valid token and passwords", %{conn: conn} do
      token = PowResetPassword.Plug.create_reset_token(conn, "test@example.com")
      conn = post(conn, Routes.password_path(conn, :reset_password, %{"id" => token, "user" => %{"password" => @new_password, "password_confirmation" => @new_password}}))

      assert json = json_response(conn, 200)
      assert json["status"]

Thanks for any help :slight_smile:

I made quite big step further. Still I have errors but with ETS.

I added to test folder Ets Cache Mock:

defmodule PowApiTemplate.Test.EtsCacheMock do
  @moduledoc false
  @tab __MODULE__

  def init, do: :ets.new(@tab, [:ordered_set, :protected, :named_table])

  def get(config, key) do
    ets_key = ets_key(config, key)

    |> :ets.lookup(ets_key)
    |> case do
      [{^ets_key, value} | _rest] -> value
      []                          -> :not_found

  def delete(config, key) do
    :ets.delete(@tab, ets_key(config, key))


  def put(config, record_or_records) do
    records     = List.wrap(record_or_records)
    ets_records = Enum.map(records, fn {key, value} ->
      {ets_key(config, key), value}

    send(self(), {:ets, :put, records, config})
    :ets.insert(@tab, ets_records)

  def all(config, match) do
    ets_key_match = ets_key(config, match)

    |> :ets.select([{{ets_key_match, :_}, [], [:"$_"]}])
    |> Enum.map(fn {[_namespace | keys], value} -> {keys, value} end)

  defp ets_key(config, key) do
    [Keyword.get(config, :namespace, "cache")] ++ List.wrap(key)

Updated test config with:

config :pow_api_template, :pow,
  cache_backend: [cache_store_backend: PowApiTemplate.Test.EtsCacheMock]

Error is the same if I change it to:

config :pow_api_template, :pow,
  cache_store_backend: PowApiTemplate.Test.EtsCacheMock

I updated conn_case.ex with:

  setup _tags do

    {:ok, conn: Phoenix.ConnTest.build_conn(), ets: EtsCacheMock}

Adding this line to test_helper.exs leads to fail all tests - even with registration/session controllers:


I also updated password_controller_test.exs:

 setup do
    user =
        |> User.changeset(%{email: "test@example.com", password: @password, password_confirmation: @password})
        |> Repo.insert!()

    {:ok, user: user}

describe "reset_password/2" do

    test "with valid token and passwords", %{conn: conn} do
      pow_config = [otp_app: :pow_api_template]

      {:ok, %{token: token, user: user}, conn} =
        |> Pow.Plug.put_config(Application.get_env(:pow_api_template, :pow))
        |> PowResetPassword.Plug.create_reset_token(%{"email" => "test@example.com"})

      valid_params = %{"id" => token, "user" => %{"password" => @new_password, "password_confirmation" => @new_password}}

      conn = post(conn, Routes.password_path(conn, :reset_password, valid_params))

      assert json = json_response(conn, 200)

Trying to start test leads to error:

1) test reset_password/2 with valid token and passwords (PowApiTemplateWeb.PasswordControllerTest)
    ** (ArgumentError) errors were found at the given arguments:
      * 2nd argument: invalid options
    code: PowApiTemplate.Test.EtsCacheMock.init()
      (stdlib 4.0.1) :ets.new(PowApiTemplate.Test.EtsCacheMock, [:set, :protected, :named_table])
      (pow_api_template 0.1.0) test/support/ets_cache_mock.ex:5: PowApiTemplate.Test.EtsCacheMock.init/0
      test/pow_api_template_web/controllers/password_controller_test.exs:46: (test)

I also changed :set to :ordered_set but nothing changes with error. Maybe in Pow 1.0.27 there are changes that I didnt implemented or I wrote something incorrectly. I’ll check later PowApiTemplate.Test.EtsCacheMock.init() function and I will try to play with options.