Testing Phoenix contexts without repeating changeset tests

I am currently working on a medium size Phoenix project, but still in the early stages. I have basic authentication and user accounts implemented, but as I started testing my contexts I ran into a problem. I have a context called Accounts which contains, amongst other code, the following two functions:

def create_user(attrs \\ %{}) do
        |> User.changeset(attrs)
        |> Repo.insert()

def register_user(attrs \\ %{}) do
        |> User.registration_changeset(attrs)
        |> Repo.insert()

Part of this context is Accounts.User which has the following changesets:

def changeset(user, attrs) do
        |> cast(attrs, [:email, :username])
        |> validate_required([:email, :username])
        |> unique_constraint(:email)
        |> validate_format(:email, @email_pattern)
        |> validate_length(:username, min: 2, max: 20)
        |> validate_format(:username, @username_pattern)

    def registration_changeset(user, params) do
        |> changeset(params)
        |> cast(params, [:password])
        |> validate_required([:password])
        |> validate_length(:password, min: 8, max: 20)
        |> put_pass_hash()

As you can see, registration_changeset/2 is just an extension of changeset/2.

My tests for register_user/1 are:

describe "register_user/1" do
        @valid_attrs %{
            username: "someuser",
            email: "someuser@example.com",
            password: "verysecret"
        @invalid_attrs %{}

        test "inserts user with valid data" do
            assert {:ok, %User{id: id} = user} = Accounts.register_user(@valid_attrs)
            assert user.username == "someuser"
            assert user.email == "someuser@example.com"
            assert [%User{id: ^id}] = Accounts.list_users()

        test "does not insert user with invalid data" do
            assert {:error, _changeset} = Accounts.register_user(@invalid_attrs)
            assert Accounts.list_users() == []

        test "enforces unique emails" do
            assert {:ok, %User{id: id} = user} = Accounts.register_user(@valid_attrs)
            assert {:error, changeset} = Accounts.register_user(@valid_attrs)
            assert %{email: ["has already been taken"]} = errors_on(changeset)
            assert [%User{id: ^id}] = Accounts.list_users()

        test "declines invalid email" do
            invalid_emails = [
            for email <- invalid_emails do
                attrs = Map.put(@valid_attrs, :email, email)
                assert {:error, changeset} = Accounts.register_user(attrs)
                assert %{email: ["has invalid format"]} = errors_on(changeset)
                assert [] == Accounts.list_users()

        test "declines too long username" do
            attrs = Map.put(@valid_attrs, :username, String.duplicate("a", 30))
            assert {:error, changeset} = Accounts.register_user(attrs)
            assert %{username: ["should be at most 20 character(s)"]} = errors_on(changeset)
            assert [] == Accounts.list_users()

        test "declines too short username" do
            attrs = Map.put(@valid_attrs, :username, "a")
            assert {:error, changeset} = Accounts.register_user(attrs)
            assert %{username: ["should be at least 2 character(s)"]} = errors_on(changeset)
            assert [] == Accounts.list_users()

        test "declines username with spaces" do
            attrs = Map.put(@valid_attrs, :username, "mary wozniak")
            assert {:error, changeset} = Accounts.register_user(attrs)
            assert %{username: ["has invalid format"]} = errors_on(changeset)
            assert [] == Accounts.list_users()

Here you can see that I am effectively testing whether the changeset’s validation is working. This is problematic if I start testing the create_user/1 function, because it also uses the changeset and I will have to repeat the validation tests.
So my question is: How can I test the two context functions in a way that I do not repeat the code that tests if the changeset validations work?

I am new to Elixir and Phoenix and any help, examples and explanations are appreciated.


If you are testing the changeset directly elsewhere, your context test only needs to test what is unique to the context function. I’d say that means you test the record is added to the database with valid data, and isn’t with invalid data. You only need one instance of invalid data since you are covering the expected functionality elsewhere.

Personally I don’t see a whole lot of value in testing purely declarative code; so I don’t try to test everything a changeset does and typically only test the context function.

Thank you very much for your help. I will try to apply it.