Tests trigger `unknown registry: MyApp.EventStore.EventStore.PubSub` while migrating to Elixir 1.15


I am trying to migrate an application from Elixir 1.14.5 to 1.15.7.
All my tests pass but they trigger additional errors related to commanded and eventstore:

Most of the errors are: unknown registry: MyApp.EventStore.EventStore.PubSub as shown here:

16:05:55.218 [error] GenServer {MyApp.EventStore.EventStore.Subscriptions.Registry, {"$all", "MyProcessManager"}} terminating
** (ArgumentError) unknown registry: MyApp.EventStore.EventStore.PubSub
    (elixir 1.15.7) lib/registry.ex:1391: Registry.info!/1
    (elixir 1.15.7) lib/registry.ex:1007: Registry.register/3
    (eventstore 1.4.7) lib/event_store/pubsub.ex:38: EventStore.PubSub.subscribe/3
    (eventstore 1.4.7) lib/event_store/subscriptions/subscription_fsm.ex:70: EventStore.Subscriptions.SubscriptionFsm.transition/3
    (eventstore 1.4.7) lib/event_store/subscriptions/subscription.ex:221: EventStore.Subscriptions.Subscription.handle_call/3
    (stdlib gen_server.erl:1149: :gen_server.try_handle_call/4
    (stdlib gen_server.erl:1178: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
    (stdlib proc_lib.erl:240: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Last message (from #PID<0.16668.1>): {:connect, #PID<0.16668.1>, [retry_interval: 60000, hibernate_after: 15000, partition_by: nil, concurrency_limit: 1, name: MyApp.EventStore, mapper: &Commanded.EventStore.Adapters.EventStore.Mapper.from_recorded_event/1, conn: MyApp.EventStore.Postgrex, event_store: MyApp.EventStore, query_timeout: 15000, schema: "public", serializer: Commanded.Serialization.JsonSerializer, stream_uuid: "$all", subscription_name: "MyProcessManager", start_from: 0]}
domain=otp file=gen_server.erl line=1402 mfa=:gen_server.error_info/8 pid=<0.16687.1>

Less often I also have: 1st argument: the table identifier does not refer to an existing ETS table as shown here:

16:05:56.398 [error] GenServer {MyApp.EventStore.EventStore.Subscriptions.Registry, {"$all", "MyProcessManager"}} terminating
** (ArgumentError) errors were found at the given arguments:

  * 1st argument: the table identifier does not refer to an existing ETS table

    (stdlib :ets.insert(#Reference<0.4090088613.484835331.67685>, {#PID<0.17183.1>, "$all", #Reference<0.4090088613.484835331.67684>, -576460752299835900})
    (elixir 1.15.7) lib/registry.ex:1018: Registry.register/3
    (eventstore 1.4.7) lib/event_store/pubsub.ex:38: EventStore.PubSub.subscribe/3
    (eventstore 1.4.7) lib/event_store/subscriptions/subscription_fsm.ex:70: EventStore.Subscriptions.SubscriptionFsm.transition/3
    (eventstore 1.4.7) lib/event_store/subscriptions/subscription.ex:221: EventStore.Subscriptions.Subscription.handle_call/3
    (stdlib gen_server.erl:1149: :gen_server.try_handle_call/4
    (stdlib gen_server.erl:1178: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
    (stdlib proc_lib.erl:240: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Last message (from #PID<0.17166.1>): {:connect, #PID<0.17166.1>, [retry_interval: 60000, hibernate_after: 15000, partition_by: nil, concurrency_limit: 1, name: MyApp.EventStore, mapper: &Commanded.EventStore.Adapters.EventStore.Mapper.from_recorded_event/1, conn: MyApp.EventStore.Postgrex, event_store: MyApp.EventStore, query_timeout: 15000, schema: "public", serializer: Commanded.Serialization.JsonSerializer, stream_uuid: "$all", subscription_name: "MyProcessManager", start_from: 0]}
domain=otp file=gen_server.erl line=1402 mfa=:gen_server.error_info/8 pid=<0.17183.1>

The 2 error stacks have a lot in common. Somehow eventstore is trying to do something with what appears to be a registry linked to a dead process.

I have a lot of tests that run in parallel. If I try to run 1 test file at the time, no error occur. But if I run 2 test files in parallel, error sometime occur. It is difficult to reproduce because it is not predictable.

I do not know how to troubleshoot this. I have re-read the Commanded documentation in particular regarding Application and Process managers and I believe I do what the documentation recommends.

Any idea? @slashdotdash perhaps?

For information, the issue appears from Elixir version 1.15.0.

At this point the only advice I could give you is to create a small git repository that reproduces the issue. I’d think people would be more willing to help.

Why are you upgrading to that specific version and what happens if you go higher, for instance latest version, or 1.16? Also what about erlang version(s)?

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