Hi, I’m George Arrowsmith - you may remember me from such educational Elixir content as Learn Phoenix LiveView, Phoenix on Rails, and Mastering Phoenix Forms.
Today I’m very pleased to announce my new free course, the LiveView and OTP Crash Course. It’s a 15-lesson written tutorial that introduces the basics of LiveView and OTP, including:
- What LiveView is, how it works, and what makes it different from
- How to build a simple LiveView app.
- The full lifecycle of a LiveView process including all callbacks (mount, handle_params, render, handle_event, handle_info etc.)
- The basics of OTP such as processes, Supervisors and GenServers, and how LiveView makes use of these advanced Elixir concepts.
This tutorial is 100% free. All I ask for is your email address. Sign up today at LiveviewCrashCourse.com.
I hope people enjoy this introduction, and that it gets more people excited about the awesome power of Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView, OTP and the BEAM!
Here’s the full table of contents:
- Introduction
- mount/3 and render/1
- mount is called twice
- Events
- Bindings
- Router
- Links
- PollLive
- Processes
- PubSub
- GenServer part 1
- GenServer part 2
- Linked processes
- Supervisors
- Final updates