Whenever tests have to interact with an Ecto.Repo
, sometimes it’s necessary to test a few different branches or paths that data can take. This can be tedious with a database and may result in “resetting” records so they may be re-tested. Here’s a crude example of “resetting” some data to continue with a test:
test "vaccinate_dog/1 vaccinates dog and creates vax record with the corresponding name" do
dog = dog_fixture()
# Perform assertions about vaccinations
assert :ok = vaccinate_dog(dog, "bordetella")
assert %{id: dog_id, vaccinated: true} = dog = Repo.one!(Dog)
assert %{dog_id: ^dog_id, type: "bordetella"} = Repo.one!(Vax)
# Reset state for the dog
dog |> Ecto.Changeset.change(%{vaccinated: false}) |> Repo.update!()
# Performmore assertions about vaccinations
assert :ok = vaccinate_dog(dog, "rabies")
assert %{id: dog_id, vaccinated: true} = dog = Repo.one!(Dog)
assert %{dog_id: ^dog_id, type: "rabies"} = Repo.one!(Vax)
By using Repo.transaction/2
, it’s easy to simply roll back a transaction rather than “resetting” anything (assuming that side-effects are not a concern for the purposes of the test.
test "vaccinate_dog/1 vaccinates dog and creates vax record with the corresponding name" do
dog = dog_fixture()
for vaccine <- ["rabies", "bordetella"] do
in_transaction(fn ->
assert :ok = vaccinate_dog(dog, vaccine)
assert %{id: dog_id, vaccinated: true} = dog = Repo.one!(Dog)
assert %{dog_id: ^dog_id, type: vaccine} = Repo.one!(Vax)
defp in_transaction(fun) when is_function(fun, 0) do
Repo.transaction(fn ->
I know that it’s generally best to decouple the DB and the business logic as much as possible, but I have found this to be a useful way to succinctly cover more ground within Repo
-related tests.